Chapter 21

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Noah's POV

After talking to Dixie I walk down to the field and talk to Blake for a while. I see Bryce walking up to us and I mentally roll my eyes at him.

"Hey Noah, I seen you talking to Dixie up there" he says pointing to the bleachers where Dixie is sitting.

"Yea... we always talk to eachother what's new" I say with a little more annoyance than I intended. He sighs.

"She seems upset dude, I just wanted to know if she was ok" I was taken back at what he said and so was Blake.

"Um... yea she's... fine.. just stuff going on Ig"

"So she didn't tell you anything" I shake my head no and run my hand through my hair.

"Nah she didn't" I see his eyes flicker with something but I ignore it and shift my focus to the field. From the corner of my eye I see dixie walk to coach then to the locker room. When I look back to the field I see Bryce running the same direction as Dixie. I look around and sneak my way towards the locker room. I quickly but quietly slip into the room and see Bryce knocking. I hear Dixie say for him to come in but once he opened the door there was a slight pause before I saw a fist hit Bryce in the face. My eyes widen seeing Dixie jump on top of him before pulling her arm back for another swing.

"You kissed my girlfriend you bitch" she screams elbowing him in the nose. I quickly run to push her off of him.

"Dixie calm down" I say picking her up and pushing her away from Bryce. She fights and frails to get to Bryce but I hold her back.

Addisons POV

While talking to Kate I hear a scream come from the locker room. Me and Kate eyes widen realizing that was Dixies voice. We quickly get up and run to the locker room. We see an angery Dixie being held back by Noah and Bryce holding his nose that was dripping blood.

"What the hell happened" Kate questions.

"That bitch over there kissed my girlfriend-"

"I'm sorry ok I was drunk" Bryce confesses.

"Doesn't make the situation better Bruce" Noah says.

"Look Dixie listen you can be mad at me ok I understand, but Addison had nothing to do with it. As soon as I kissed her she pushed me off and slapped me. It is my fault and I deserve every hit I took." He says guilt lacing in his words. The locker room goes quiet. Bryce actually admitted he done something wrong.

"The worlds bout to end" Kate says sitting down. I see dixie relax a little.

"Let me go" she says to Noah.

"If I let you go, you won't hurt him anymore" she nods and he slowly let's go. She walks towards me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you" I wrap my arms around her and don't let go.

"It's ok baby, it's ok"

"I'm sorry to ruin the moment but um... I have to take Bryce to the hospital" Noah says helping Bryce stop the bleeding from his nose.

"Oh yea sorry Bryce but... you deserved it" Dixie says honestly. I slap her shoulder and glare at her even though she was right.

"I know I'm just glad you two are ok now." He try's to smile.

"Alright man let's go" Noah says grabbing his keys and things. Bryce nods and grabs his things as well and walks out.

"Yea imma head out to and post these pictures of Bryce" Kate says laughing a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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