Chapter 13

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Addisons POV

I wait for my parents to come pick me up from school. I hear my mom ask for me from outside the door. She comes in and hugs me.

"Oh honey are you ok?"

"Yea mom i think it's just sprained" I say.

"We need to get you to the hospital" my dad comes over and helps me up. We walk to the car and my dad sits me in the passenger seat. He closes the door and I feel for my keys.

"Damn it i forgot my stuff" when I say that I see and a small figure running towards us. I realize it's avani  with my stuff.

"Hey, Dixie told me about youre ankle so I brought you're stuff" she says out of breath. I smile and tell her to put it in the back.

"Thanks avani" she salutes me and walks off. I tell my dad where my keys are and he goes to get my car. My mom drives me to the hospital and helps me into the emergency room. She sits me down while she talks to the person behind the glass. It took a minute for the doctor to call us back for an x- ray.

After the x-ray

I sit in the room and wait for the doctor to come in with the x- rays. I scroll through Instagram looking through people stories of the game. I see one of Dixie throwing a pass into the end zone then doing a small dance after. I smile at her adorableness and keep looking through the stories. The doctor came in and showed us the x-rays. My ankle wasn't broken thankfully, but I can't cheer for at least 2 weeks and I have to wear a boot for it. I'm fine with it though because I needed a break from cheering, and plus I can finally get back into photography. I've been doing photography for a while but after becoming captain, I had less time.

I text Dixie about the cost to the doctor but I don't get a reply so I just put my phone up.

We go home and mom helps me to my bed. She brings me painkillers and water. I take the pills and lay down and swipe through Snapchat. I go to Dixies story to see her and the boys celebrating the win. I smile and go to charlis to see her and avani smiling at eachother with the caption "my everything". I see aw at their relationship and continue tapping.

An hour later

I was In the middle of a movie when I hear the doorbell ring and my mom answer. I couldn't hear whoever was here but they seemed to be introducing themselves. I ignore it and continue watching the movie till I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in" I say. Comes in a dixie with Chick-fil-A and Ice cream.

"Surprise" she says. I smile and scoot over so she could sit beside me.

"You thought of me, and brought me my favorite food" I say fake shocked.

"Well yea kinda, I kinda lost a bet by Noah and I have to pay for his food for a week and he choose here so." I smile and hug her.

"It's the thought that counts I guess" I say. She laughs and kisses my forehead.

We choose to watch another movie and cuddle. She holds my close to her and intertwined our hands. I smile and bury my nose into her neck making her giggle.

"That tickles stop" she tries to say seriously. I smile and sneakily tickle her stomach. She laughs uncontrollably till she jumps out the bed.

"Where you going?" I say trying to catch my breath.

"Oh it's so funny is it" she says. I nod and calm my breathing.

"Oh really" she says then attacks me. I gasp and now it's my turn to laugh uncontrollably.

"D-Dixie sto-p" I try saying between me laughing.

"Nope" she says and continue tickling me. After 5 minutes she stops and we just smile at eachother. She puts her hand on my check and leans in. We kiss and pull away for air. We smile again and continue kissing. It becomes heated quickly. Dixie bites my lip asking for i trance but I deny it. She runs her hand up my side and to my neck and chokes me slightly. I gasp and she takes advantage of me and slides her tongue in. I moan at the contact and gently run my hand through her hair. We pull away for air and we stare at eachother. Dixie seems flustered and confused.

"I'm sorry addison I should've asked before I-"

"No no no It's ok dixie I wanted it" I cut her off.

"Yea but what if you didn't, I feel like a jerk" she say standing up grabbing her keys. I get up quickly and grab her hand.

"Dixie listen" she turns around and looks down at the floor.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"It's just... I was moving to fast and I should've had asked and plus we're not even dating and all of a sudden I'm trying to get in your-" she starts rambling faster till the point I can't understand her.

"Hey hey dixie it's ok. I do want to take this slow but we were both caught up in the moment. We're fine ok." She nods and gives me a slight smile.

"Ok" she looks at her phone and her eyes widen.

"Shit I gotta get home" she says. She hugs me and kisses me quickly on the cheek.

"See you at school baby" she says and closes my door. I smile at her rushing around and lay down thinking about Dixie.

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