Chapter 8

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Yesterday I ignored everybody at school. I was so focused on passing my Spanish test today I didn't have time to talk. Everybody tries to get me to stop studying but I just nodded my head and continued. I'm driving me and charli to school right now and my mind is racing. I park into a space and Charli runs out to avani. I get out and walk towards Addison who was talking to Tony. I roll my eyes at him because I knew he liked her but no matter how many times Addison told him she's not interested. I then had a plan that was gonna make Toby...or tony whatever...uncomfortable. I walk behind Addison and wrap my arms around her waist. I feel her jump but relax once she realized it's me.

"Hey Addison" I whisper to her. I feel her shudder.

"H-hi" I smirk and look up to Tony. He waves at me and then picks up his phone. He answers it and walks away.

"Hey Dre" I hear him say before he's out of range for me to hear. I smile and let go of Addison and walk in front of her.

"You're welcome" I say. She's looking down at her hands playing with them. I grab them and lift her head up with my finger.

"Hey you ok" she nods and clears her throat. I let go and step back from her.

"Um you have a Spanish test today don't you" she says changing the subject. I nod and feel my heart race at the thought.

"Yea im going to take it during lunch since I don't eat much anyways" she looks sad but immediately puts a smile back on her face.

"Are you gonna be able to make it to lunch?"

"I'll try because I know how much you'll miss me" I say poking her. She laughs and backs away.

"I might miss you" she says looking up at me. I smile and get closer to her.

"You 'might' miss me" I say putting quotations up. I see her eyes flicker down to my lips.

"Yea" we were so close I could smell the mint gum she was chewing.  I backed away and smiled at her.

"I guess we'll see" I say walking towards the school entrance. I go to my first class and sit down. A few minutes later I see Addison come in and sit down beside me. She was flustered. I smiled at the thought of me having an affect on her. During class I could feel Addison look over at me. We had to get in to partners and do a worksheet. I see Addison grab her desk and slide it near me. She sits and hands me the paper.

"Ok so number one" Addison was always the one that gets her work done. I atleast procrastinate 20 minutes before I start on it. She reads it and I look up at her.

"I think the answer-" we lock eyes again and she starts to get flustered... again...

"I- well- see what I was- um - thinking" she stop once she realized she couldn't get out her sentence. I smile and look at the paper.

"I noticed you get very flustered when I look you in the eye." I see her shift in her sit.

"Do I make you nervous?" I ask. She looks away and starts writing.

"Maybe" she mumbles. I laugh and grab my pencil.

"Maybe...ok" we finish the work and turn it in. We had some free time so she helped me with Spanish.

"Ok como se dice May i go to the bathroom in spanish"

"¿Puedo ir al baño?" I say. She smiles and claps.

"Yes mija" she hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek. My face gets hot and I look down.

" oh how the tables have turned" I hear her say. I roll my eyes and push her lightly.

Test time

I walk into the classroom and sit down at the seat. She hands me the paper and tells me good luck. I start working on it taking every question slowly and focusing very hard. It took me about 20 minutes to finish the test. I look over my answers and hand in my paper with a shaky hand. She smiles and dismissed me to lunch. I walk over to Addison and hug her tightly.

"I'm scared addi... what if I failed and can't play tomorrow and I'll have to be benched and We will lose not saying my team isn't good without me they are but it's scary and-" she stuffs my mouth with a muffin. I chew slowly and look at her confused.

"You're freaking for nothing you did great" she says smiling. I finish eating the muffin and sit down at the table.

"How do you know?" I ask her.

"I don't... but she does" Addison says pointing behind me. I turn around and see ms. Jauregui standing behind me with a straight face. I swallow as her emerald green eyes stare into mine.

"I have your results mija" she says seriously. I feel myself start to sweat. I feel a hand grab mind and I knew it was Addison because I felt a wave of calmness immediately when she touched me. I nod and with a shakey voice I say.

"Ok... how did I do?"

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