Chapter 20

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Dixies POV

After talking to Addison at school I go to the nearest bar and use my fake ID to give me a drink. I had a couple shots and my vision is blurry. I get a text from Charli asking me where am I. I look at the time and noticed it's time for practice. I get up out the seat and towards my car. I go I to the drivers seat and turn the ignition.

As I'm driving I feel my self swerving a lil so I quickly correct myself. I pull into the school parking lot and surprisingly parked without hitting anybody or anything. I stumble into the school to the locker room and see that it's empty. I go change but the thumping of my head makes me feel sick. I run to the bathroom and throw up the content i drunk. I hear someone come in the stall and pull my hair back. I sit up from the toilet and turn around to see a mad Noah.

"What the fuck is your problem" I say to him.

"My problem is you skipping school to go to some bar to get drunk" he says obviously pissed at me. I roll my sued and push past him to wash my hands.

"Whatever you don't know what's going on" I say turning on the water.

"No, i don't know what's going on but I know drinking it away isn't one" he says walking beside me.

"Isn't that what your father does" after those words left my mouth I instantly regretted it. I look up towards him and see that his face was blank, with no emotion.

"Noah im sorry... I didn't-" he walks out with no other word. I sigh and slide down the wall to the floor and cry.

"I'm such a fuck up" I sit there and cry for a while before I get and go splash water on my face. I walk out towards the field and sit down on the bench. Coach comes beside me and sits with me.

"What's wrong" he says looking towards the field.

"Why? Coach what are you talking about I'm fine" I say shifting in the bench a bit.

"Dixie... I have two daughters at home that I know very well... I know when they're not ok... and you're like a daughter to me dixie" he says looking towards me. I try not to make eye contact with him knowing if I do I will break again.

"Look you don't have to tell me but just come and tell me when you're not feeling ok... I understand that you can't be ok all the time." He says calmly. I nod at his words but still don't look at him.

"But you do need to go apologize to yourself friend over there" I look up to see him pointing to Noah who's sitting in the bleachers. He gets up and pats my back before walking over to the team. I slowly get up and walk up the status of the bleachers and walk to Noah. I take a deep breath before approaching him and taking a seat.

"Hey" I say softly. He doesn't acknowledge me and continues to watch the team play scrimmage. I look down and try to formulate an apology.

"Noah, look I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say what I said in the bathroom earlier. I was drunk and I have a lot stuff on my mind and I was angry and I took out on you and I'm sorry... I look to see him still not paying me no mind but I continue Anyways.

"I'm not using that as an excuse or anything because what I said and done was completely wrong and i would understand why you hate me right now I-"

"I don't hate you dix" I close my mouth and look down.

"You just know that's a sore subject for me... but... im glad you feel comfortable enough to let your anger and hurt out on me" I look up at him and I feel the tears start to Well up. I jump into his arms and cry, letting everything that I feel and what I've been holding in out. He doesn't say anything. He just holds me tightly and run my back even though I can barely feel it. After I calm down a bit I let go of him and don't look up at him embarrassed.

"Dixie I've seen you cry plenty of times, you don't have to be embarrassed" he says like he was reading my mind.

"You know you can talk to me about anything. You don't have to talk about what's making you upset right now but whenever you're ready I'm here" I nod not trusting my voice at the moment. He gives me a small smile before walking to the field. I look over to the cheerleaders and see chavani flirting and laughing. I look for Addison and see her sitting beside Kate in a deep conversation. Her face was red from wiping her face constantly. I wanted to run to her and hug her and never let go. But I'm not ready for that... im still somewhat drunk and i don't think she'll be to happy with me being knowing i was drinking. I look to the field and saw Bryce looking at me. Not in an evil way or smug way, I seen guilt in his eyes almost like he felt bad. Then again it's Bryce we are talking about, he never gives a fuck.

I walk towards the bench and told coach that I'm not feeling well and go to the locker room. While putting my shoes on I hear a knock on my door. Thinking it was Noah I softly say come in. Who opened the door took me by surprise and anger boiled in me again. I lost control once I say his face and everything went black.

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