4 | The Actor's Role

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Okay, here's the criminal show plot.

Title: Depths of Mind - Hyun Jin Sil

Hyun means Mysterious, Jin Sil is Truth

Chenle is Private Detective, Hyun Jin Sil; Jisung is Officer Kwon Yoo Joon.

Kwon means power/authority; Yoo means Tenderness, Evening, Friend, Qualified, Courage, Help, and Joon means Handsome.

Episodes: 6


They also have other officers, forensics people, the Coroner's nad more people. Chenle and Jisung also work with the females and male side roles, some are 'officers' that are their friend or is working under them.

So, this is the Plot after getting the main characters down. 

Here's the basic plot because I ain't spoiling it for you. 

Detective Hyun and Officer Kwon were forced to work with each other under the supervisor of the police department needing a new eye on the mysterious rape/deaths of multiple men, the ages starting from 17 to the oldest which was 45. How would they solve this case together?

(That case is the main case, but they would go on solving other cases.)


Chenle has had blush powdered over his soft skin, he was waiting for his scene to come up. Chenle closed his eyes as his makeup drew on the eyeliner on his eyes. He was given a more natural look, since he was a pretty boy, y' know?


A shriek. A dead body, limped on the ground near the police station as if it was taunting the police. A male's body, looking at the age of 23. The body was moved near the police station, an anonymous report on someone finding the dead body.

"Officer Kwon, I'm so glad you are here," one of the officers on the case spoke.

"Another victim?" Jisung (Kwon Yoo Joon) spoke in disgust.

"It's the 7th one already. Signs of rape, we are getting the test samples and bringing them back," forensics spoke to Yoo Joon.

"Thank you," Jisung spoke.

"CUT!" the director, Lee Taeyong spoke.

The rain stopped pouring, everyone got up and begun changing the set a bit.

Chenle exited out of his dressing room, Jisung got covered in a towel, waiting for them to redo the 'dead' bodies makeup. 


"Sir! We called up Private Detective Hyun to the Crime Scene," an officer spoke.

"We don't need a private detective," Jisung (Kwon Yoo Joon) spoke.

"Too bad, I'm here and give me the details, why won't ya?" Chenle (Hyun Jin Sil) spoke in a somewhat mocking manner towards Jisung (Officer Kwon).

"Tch, tell it to him," Jisung (Kwon Yoo Joon) spoke. Chenle gave a cheeky smile. Then, CUT!

The rain stopped pouring once again, both were already wrapped in towels.

"Chenle, go change. We are finished with the water scenes for the first episode. You can rest and wait for your turn again," the director, Taeyong Lee spoke. Chenle nodded and went into the changing room. 


Chenle sat with the hairdryer blowing on his soft brown hair, as he studied somehow. He was still a student, but he worked full time for acting whenever he can.

Once his makeup artist finished blowdrying his hair, she went to do his makeup, she was well trained to do this and is very used to it. Chenle is always trying to do his homework in and out of studio, whenever he can. He needs to keep his grade up.

Kun usually comes in to tell him when his scenes are ready or when they are going somewhere/ or going home.

Actor's Heart - Chensung ✓Where stories live. Discover now