20 | Forgiveness

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"Jisung, do you like me?" Chenle asked Jisung at the rooftop once again.

"What do you mean? Of course," Jisung said.

"Jisung, are you lying to me?" Chenle asked, his eyes looked like he was holding back tears. Jisung pulled Chenle in a hug, clutching on him.

"Why would I lie to you?" Jisung asked.

"NO! Give me a proper answer!" Chenle said, pushing Jisung away.

"Chenle, I would never lie to you," Jisung lied. Lie, after lie, after lie. Chenle broke down crying, he walked off, leaving Jisung alone. Jisung sighed, if he really needed his plan to work, then he needed to give Chenle a lot of attention.

But, Jisung has forgotten to give Chenle attention since he had never had any experience dating or acted like a couple with a coworker. Chenle ran into the bathroom, sobbing softly to himself. Chenle called Kun to pick him up early, he didn't feel well.

Jisung sat by himself, watching out the window. Chenle got picked up by Kun, his face was red from crying. He knew he fucked up, literally on thin fucking ice. 


Kun practically scolded Jisung, threatening to make sure Jsung doesn't hurt his Chenle. Jisung bowed, not like how much of an earful Kun was. Jisung rang the doorbell, it was Chenle's father.

"Hello, do you have any business with us?" he asked in a low tone.

"Oh, I'm Chenle's friend and coworker, I just came to check up on him,"  Jisung lied.

"Oh, I see, come in," he said. He closed the door after Jisung walked in. He leads Jisung to Chenle's room and walked off. Jisung knocked on the door, he could barely hear a voice, but it was Chenle's letting whoever in.

"Hey," Jisung said as he closed the door behind him. He noticed Chenle was crying, wrapped around in his blanket. Then, he noticed his face on Chenle's walls. Chenle immediately got embarrassed. Jisung sat down next to Chenle, pulling Chenle in a hug. It somewhat hurt when he saw Chenle looking like that. 

"I'm sorry, I've been busy a lot lately, forgive me?" Jisung asked in a soft tone. It technically wasn't a lie, considering Jisung had to prepare himself with his lines for the movie and he had been the tester for his makeup artist's new hairstyles for the film.  

Chenle embraced him back, only light sniffles were heard in the room. Jisung realized he needed to do his own research on relationships and Chenle, in order to keep this up for himself. Chenle ended up falling asleep in the middle of cuddling Jisung. 

Jisung didn't mind, he just whispered his lines out loud, for him to remember better, letting his boyfriend sleep in his arms.

Chenle woke up two hours later, Jisung was still rereading over his lines, practicing his expressions. It was a nice thing to wake up to. Jisung noticed Chenle woke up, giving him a kiss on the nose.

"Sorry, you had to deal with me sleeping on your lap," Chenle apologized. Jisung didn't mind, he sat and was finished with his lines. He was just starting on his homework.

Chenle hugged him tightly. Finally, some affection. Jisung hugged him back, suddenly there as a warm fuzzy sensation inside of him. He wondered why.

"I like it when you hug me like this, I'm sorry I doubted you. I just missed you," Chenle muttered. So that is how he felt. Jisung realized how much attention he needed to give Chenle, it reminded him of a needy puppy.

They heard a call for dinner, Jisung joined them as a guest. Both parents liked Jisung, thinking of how polite and cute Jisung was. Chenle's mother was partially a fan.


Chenle let Jisung stay for a bit, still embarrassed with his posters and everything. Jisung teased him about how Chenle liked him that much.

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