24 | School Trip & Break Up

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Chenle had an overnight trip, Kun let him go as he cleared Chenle's schedule. That meant that Jisung won't see him for the next 3 days. 

Jisung sighed in relief, acting all day was tiring. Chenle was just packing all of his needs and such, as Jisung laid on Chenle's bed. 

"You should pack some extra clothing," Jisung suggested.

"I know," Chenle responded folding his clothes in his luggage. 


Jisung was staying over because Chenle asked him to, he just wanted to spend some time with Jisung before he went to his class trip. 

Jisung had his arms around Chenle, hearing Chenle's light snores. Jisung pulled out his phone, sending an anonymous text to the police station, a picture that was captured on security footage of the case from last time. 

Jisung softly leaned in, softly sucked on the skin behind Chenle's ear, snapping it on his phone for blackmail. Jisung then went to bed, falling asleep with the boy in his arms. 

Chenle woke up early that morning, he went through Jisung's phone after seeing an odd notification. He knew he shouldn't have, but he did. He found a few pictures of himself, he gingerly touched behind his ears, looking at the mirror to see that mark. Chenle deleted them, making sure to remove them off of Jisung's phone except for one photo.

Which was the one Jisung has as he home screen, Chenle only felt okay with that. Chenle left early that morning, makeup behind his ear to cover it. Ain't no one exposing him, but he felt a sense of betrayal from Jisung. He knew that trip won't be as fun as he thought.

Jisung woke up, scrolling through his phone. Jisung realized, his pictures were gone.

"Shit... I fucked up," Jisung thought. Chenle was already gone, no one would go through his phone other than the boy who slept next to him. 


Chenle came back, kind of forgotten about it, but when he came back Jisung waited for him.

"Oh, you're back," Jisung said.

"Let's break up," Chenle said bluntly, he wordlessly walked up to his room with a heavy heart. Jisung nodded in understanding and left the house. Chenle cried immediately when he locked his room door, he was heartbroken, betrayed, etc. 

Jisung felt something empty in himself. He couldn't understand why. Chenle and Jisung still had to return to work together. 


The rest of the next few weeks were awkward. Jisung would wake up with tears in his eyes, trying to get Chenle out of his head, accusing himself for hurting him. Jungwoo scolded him brutally but tried not to hurt Jisung's emotions since it looked like he was heartbroken. 

Chenle on the other hand, he would have sleepless nights thinking about Jisung, holding back his tears everytime Jisung would see him, and he would hug his pillow constantly. People at school noticed their sepreatation, but didn't bother since they didn't look well whenever the other was brought up in their conversation.

But, they were actor's. So, they pretended that they were fine.


"And... ACTION!" the director's voice yelled out.

"What's wrong Dong Wook?!" Jisung yelled as he pulled his arm away from Chenle's.

"I'll tell you what's wrong! I can't stand seeing you, Cha Dae Hyun, being all heart eyes with Nan Jung Yoon because you like her so god damn much!" Chenle yelled back, tearing up a bit too early for his scene.

"So what?!" Jisung yelled back.

"Because I can't stand it! You, Dae Hyun, don't understand!" Chenle yelled with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"What do I not understand?!" Jisung argued back. Chenle pulled Jisung's face, softly kissing him with tears streaming down his red hot cheeks.

"I like you idiot! I have been for a long time, but you like her! W-why... why not me?!" Chenle sobbed out hard, falling onto his knees, burying his head into his knees. Jisung acted shock, holding back his own tears.

"Dong Wook... I'm sorry," Jisung spoke, he stepped out of the scene, as Chenle gave a few seconds of crying in that scene. Then, it stopped.


"Chenle, Jisung, that was impressive!" The director complimented the two. Chenle faked smile, so did Jisung. The two stayed their distance, Jisung got a slap from Kun, but that was all. Kun didn't fuck with Jisung anymore after that, since he also discerned the pain in his eyes.

Actor's Heart - Chensung ✓Where stories live. Discover now