5 | Role

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(It doesn't look like it, but they take more than one trial and error, so yeah)

They began shooting the next few scenes for the other parts, while Jisung also takes a break. Both actors were still children, both needed to complete their studies.

Jisung also had a makeup artist that does the same thing as Chenle's makeup artist, both are trained extremely well to do their makeup when the boys are needing to do their homework and such.

After Jisung was finished with his studies, it was already his part in the acting, as they changed the background/acting place. Jisung smiled brightly, bowing at the other workers, charming them.

"Oka, Jisung, we will do Part 5 of the script, you got it all memorized, right?" Taeyong spoke.

"Yeah," Jisung said, his hair was dried, makeup was placed on carefully, and clothes were in the proper attire for the scene. 


"Officer Kwon, the crime scene has been tainted with the rain pouring, interfering with the blood/DNA with the chemicals in the water. It also seemed that the murder weapon hasn' t bee found around the area. But, the coroner's has given u the results, which included a possible stab wound through the stomach, there were signs of rape, but semen wasn't found. It could be a male and female murderer, we still aren't sure yet." the forensics team leader explained as he read it off of a document like paper.

"Thank you, have they identified who it was?" Jisung (Kwon Yoo Joon) asked the other person.

"It was 23-year-old, Im Woo Sung," the forensics spoke.

"Alright, thank you," Yoo Joon said. He let the forensic leader go on his way to gather clues for the case. 


"Good job you two," Taeyong said.

Jisung sighed, he stretched a bit and he saw Chenle being forced out by Kun.

"NO! I have one last question! Let me finish before I forget!!" Chenle whined.

"Fine! Finish that question," Kun yelled. Chenle took a few minutes and walked out like nothing happened.


Kwon Yoo Joon was called to the office, he was talking to the Chief Executive of the Department.

Officer Kwon (Jisung) slammed on the table of the chef's table.

"Why?! We were doing just fine until you had to bring him on the case!" Officer Kwon (Jisung) yelled.

"Because, he's the best one, solving many old cold cases," Chief Oh spoke calmly. Jisung huffed, walking out.

"He's a kid!" Jisung spat.

"And? You are our youngest in our department too! He maybe 19, but you are 23," Chief Oh, spoke in a scary tone.

Jisung slammed the door extremely hard, he ran back to his office, going through the files of reports. Detective Hyun walked in, chuckling at Officer Kwon. Jisung almost broke the set from slamming it too hard. 


"Woah, that was good, that was amazing Jisung, next time, don't try to break our set," Taeyong complimented.

"Ah, thank you, sorry," Jisung spoke, he blushed out of embarrassment. He could hear Chenle from a distance giggling at him, which made him more embarrassed.


"What do you need?" Officer Kwon spat at the young boy.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I'm joining the case, and you seem pretty mad about it," Detective Hyun spoke in a mocking tone.

"Haha, very funny," Officer Kwon sarcastically spoke, he seemed pretty annoyed with the boy.

"All jokes aside, I promise that this case gets solved and then Justice is served," Detective Hyun spoke, he grinned.

"Tch, yeah right. You're only a kid, what can you do?" Officer Kwon spoke, he got up from his seat, leaning towards Chenle's face, being a little close for comfort.

"I've already had an idea of the suspect," Chenle spoke, he gulped down hard. Jisung's face was too close to his. Officer Kwon sighed.

"Fine, I'll give you a chance, let's see how you do," Officer Kwon said. Then a cut.

They were finished with recording with that day; Jisung changed back into more comfortable clothes. Chenle wore a hoodie, going on his phone as Kun thanked the others and such. Kun drove Chenle home, who was exhausted from recording on that day.

Chenle had a weird thing lingering around his head. But he ignored it, reading the script for the next day. Chenle furrowed his eyebrows when his mind would have Jisung appearing from time to time.

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