10 | Studying

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"We also investigated the son, apparently he was shocked at finding out that his mother was the one who caused the murders. He had nothing to do with the case, luckily, but sucks for him to live without his birth giver, he needs to go to another family," Officer Kwon said.

"Yeah, sucks, but finally this case is over. So if another murder occurs or another case that needs to be solved, I'll be right here," Jin Sil said, he handed the boy his business card and walked off. 


Chenle stretched as he had Kun with his ongoing complaints about him not finishing up his homework and project and the need to study. Kun was also stressed since Kun had to clear up some rumors that sasaengs spread, he needed to fix Chenle's schedule, he needed to do a ton of shit.

Jisung was also studying, both of them were actually. They had wrapped up episode 3, and everything wasn't going smoothly since everyone was busy changing sets and such, trying to get as much done of recording so they could edit later.

Chenle sighed in relief as he finally finished his homework. Now onto his project. Chenle just needed to make a small presentation for it, that's all. It wasn't a big project, but it was something to do. It counted towards his grade.

Kun had to do a shit load of paperwork, and getting his entertainment to let them accept these jobs for him. It was a hard task to do, but usually, they say yes. Sometimes they deny it towards Kun. But, not everything Kun does is for his actor. He has to do loads of shit.


Chenle woke up the next morning, he was feeling groggy. His schoolmates had been a big nuisance, always starting rumors and such. It was a pain in the neck.

"Hey, is it true?" a student asked.

"Is what true?" Chenle asked.

"That you screwed the hottest girl in the school?" a student asked. Chenle sighed, he went up to the girl in front of the whole entire school.

"I'm a virgin, please stop spreading rumors. My schedule is too busy to fit in sexual activities," Chenle spoke aloud. She got embarrassed because people were basically laughing at her and such.

Chenle went back to his seat and silently went over his script. They were beginning Episode 4, people don't see things in court, since the main point of view was placed on the Detective and his lover of an Officer.

"Who made all of this crappy writing, geez," Chenle spoke. (Me, I'm bitches)

"Hey, don't insult the writer, she's a fan of you, you know?" a voice said, it was Jisung

"I know," Chenle said.


The two arrived at the recording area, both having to be dressed up for the next scene. Chenle was kinda already getting himself into the role itself. Both Jisung and Chenle were exhausted, I mean they had two lives after all.

"Does your school always create weird rumors about you?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, but they never affected my career," Chenle said.

"But, they might be," Jisung said.

"It's fine, you don't have to worry about me," Chenle spoke. 

"If anyone hurts you, I'll be here for you," Jisung said.

"Thanks," Chenle said with a smile. Jisung could feel something in his body that was giving a nice feeling, but he tried to brush it off. 

"Alright, you two, we are ready for your scenes!" Taeyong said.

"Okay!" the two children actor's said. 


Detective Jin Sil rushed to the police station, and got himself in another case.

"Good, you're here," a Police Officer spoke.

"Yes, may I get an insight on the case?" Jin Sil asked.

"Uh, come in first," the officer spoke.

"So, what's this about a kidnapping?" Detective Hyun spoke.

"Yes, there had been sightings of kidnappings, around Busan Middle School, all three victims shared the same last name, which was Kim, there must be a certain grudge over the last name Kim," the officer explained.

"Ah, thank you," Jin Sil replied.

"Oh good you're here, come here for a second," Officer Kwon spoke, as he grabbed Jin Sil by the arm and took him to a secluded and private area. 


Chenle wiped his sweat away, he was already exhausted from all the acting.

"Okay! Changeset for next scene," Taeyong instructed. 


"I enrolled your ass into that school, I want you to be a middle school for us, you look the youngest with a baby face, " Yoo Joon explained.

"What? Why would you do that?!" Jin SIl whined.

"Come on, Detective, do it for this case. We will have a tracker on you, wire tap your phone, and we will get to work," Officer Kwon explained.

"What do I get in return?" Detective Hyun asked.

"I'll buy dinner, how about that?" Yoo Joon spoke.

"More," Jin Sil pouted.

"Dinner and a date," Yoo Joon replied.

"I'll have dinner, that's good enough," Jin Sil said with a smile.


Chenle practically fainted on his bed the moment he got home. It was an exhausting day, and he had to go to school the next day. Chenle was not excited over the fact that he had exams during his acting period for his career. 

Actor's Heart - Chensung ✓Where stories live. Discover now