6 | New Student

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Chenle woke up tiredly, he got ready for school. And, he was crowded by people, like usual. He's a celebrity, of course.

"I heard, you have a new drama coming out, right?" a girl asked.

"Yeah, we started since yesterday," Chenle spoke, with a yawn. He was tired, like every other day. But, there was a new student rumor going around the school. Chenle couldn't bother, since he was too tired to bother about the rumors.

Chenle doesn't notice who goes to his school if you don't approach him. Chenle was too busy to notice anyway. Chenle recorded what he needed to say for the script, putting on headphones, he walked out of the class to buy a drink for himself.

Chenle mouthed the words for practice, not bothering to pa attention. He got his drink, going back to class, drinking it. He felt someone take his earphone off of his ear, then a whisper.

"Oh ho ho, what is Detective Hyun doing around these parts?" a voice familiar to the character of Officer Kwon spoke. Chenle literally felt himself jumping out of his own skin.

Chenle turned around, meeting eyes with Park Jisung. Chenle fell out of his seat, he was horrified.

"W-why are you here?" Chenle spoke, he was in for quite a shock.

"Didn't you hear? I'm attending school here," Jisung said, many fangirls were crowding around the classroom entrance/exit and around Jisung. Chenle rolled his eyes, he got up, sitting back in his seat. He didn't want to deal with this.

The teacher appeared, good his lord and savior. Everyone went to their class, especially Jisung. Luckily, Jisung wasn't in his class, he was younger than him.

"Tch, another actor?" the teacher spoke.

Chenle didn't bother with it. It wasn't his fault, was it?


After classes, Kun came over to pick the boy up.

"Hey, Chenle, are you close to Park Jisung?" a girl asked.

"Why?" Chenle asked he raised an eyebrow.

"C-can you give this to him?" she asked.

"I have work, why don't you give it to him in person, I think he'll appreciate it," Chenle smiled brightly at the girl, even though the smile was fake.

"Chenle, Let's go," Kun said. Chenle disappeared in the car, he sighed heavily.

"Tch, so annoying," Chenle spat.

"Why? Jisung attends your school now?" Kun asked.

"Yeah," Chenle spoke.

"Well, Jisung's a bit more popular than you, by visual," Kun said. CHenle threw a paper ball at Kun, crossing his arms in frustration.

"But, you are adorable, he's handsome, both are uniquely beautiful," Kun spoke afterward, but Chenle was already in a pouty state.


Kun sighed as they walked into the studio. Chenle was getting sleepy, like always.

"Sorry we are late, we went through some traffic," Kun explained.

"It's okay, Chenle go get ready," Taeyong said with a smile.

"Alright," Chenle said.


"Why are their female suspects? Shouldn't it have males?" Officer Kwon asked.

"That's a little sexist, officer," Detective Hyun popped out.

"W-what? When did you get here?" Officer Kwon asked as he was surprised by the boy appearing right beside him.

"Well, usually if they were raped by a male, shouldn't you check their butthole?" Detective Hyun spoke. Officer Kwon blushed.

"W-what?" Both Officer Kwon and the other Officer stammered.

"Don't you know how sex works, Officer?" Detective Hyun asked.


It was a cut, they needed to. Hanged camera angles. Chenle got extremely embarrassed going through his own script.

"Chenle, relax. You seem extremely tensed up," Kun spoke.

"I can't, my lines are embarrassing, this morning it wasn't, but now it's so ughhhh!" Chenle whined.

"You can do it, Chenle," Kun encouraged.

"Ge, why don't you read that out loud?" Chenle said, shoving the script to Kun.

Kun looked over, his face suddenly turned red. 

"See?!!" Chenle spoke with himself, being red too.


"Well, usually if they were raped by a male, shouldn't you check their butthole?" Detective Hyun spoke. Officer Kwon blushed.

"W-what?" Both Officer Kwon and the other Officer stammered.

"Don't you know how sex works, Officer?" Detective Hyun asked.

"Well, usually if you put the thing in the hole, and after, you know, it would be easy to go inside, and it's not tight. Can you two stop making those faces, you guys look as if you buttholes are clenching from this," Detective Hyun said, giggling at the end. Officer Kwon cleared his throat.

"And? What about the missing semen part?" Officer Kwon asked.

"Well, he might've pulled out, used a condom, or something," Detective Hyun said.

"Isn't that right? I'll go to the coroner's office, I need to check the body," Detective Hyun spoke.

"If you are going, then I'm coming with you," Yoo Joon spoke.

"I guess you can come, we'll need to check if my hypothesis is correct," Jin Sil spoke. JIn Sil smiled at the boy's determination to give closure and close the case itself. 


Then, Cut. Chenle's face was a burning, he was embarrassed and being extremely shy from that scene. Chenle grabbed a pillow, screaming in it. All heads turned to his dressing room, but that didn't matter. Chenle was extremely embarrassed from his lines.

Actor's Heart - Chensung ✓Where stories live. Discover now