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"Smoothie!" There stood one of the three sweet commanders, out of all of them why dose it had to be Smoothie. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest, your palms getting sweaty just looking at her. Smoothie stood there with a satisfying smirk on her face.

"What's wrong love? You look like you don't want to see me, I'm a little hurt {__}." Smoothie walks towards you, every step made your body shake. "Just look at you shaking because of me. It's makes me so happy to see you in this stage, I love it when you get scared."

Smoothie pulled you towards her as her arms wraps around you like a snake captures their prey. Her left hand rubs your breast in slow motion make you feel uncomfortable. You heard her whispered 'beautiful' to yourself.

"Smoothie please let me go." Your shaking voice reach her ears as look at you directly in your eyes.

"Why would I do that {__}?" Smoothie ask you as she moves up to your neck.

"Because I'm married to Katakuri." You yelp in pain, Smoothie just bit you in the neck. Feeling blood rush down your neck.

"Your blood is so sweet, I wondered what your juice taste like?" Smoothie place kiss all over your neck, you try to push her away but she strong than you.

"SMOOTHIE!" Amande walks in, (Amande is the third daughter of Big Mama) she look at you then Smoothie. "Smoothie what are you doing to {__}?" Amande ask Smoothie.

"I was just giving {__} a hug, I just miss her so much." Smoothie unwraps her arm around your waist.

"Then why is {__} bleeding for her neck?" Amande walks towards you and examine your neck.

"{__} just cut herself when I came to safe her, she wasn't looking where she going and trip." Smoothie smile all innocently.

"Okay whatever we don't have time, {__} lets go." With that you followed Amande back to their ship. Once on their ship you were escort to a room, it was about thirty minutes when your bedroom door was slapped open, there stood a worried Katakuri looking directly at you.

"Katakuri!" You ran to him, his warmth embrace your body. His sweet scent filled your nose, how much you miss Katakuri dearly.

"{__} I miss you so much." Katakuri lift up your chin where you were now directly looking at him. Tears filled your eyes as now they rush down your cheeks.

"I miss you too Katakuri, I thought I will never to see you again." For that whole day you and Katakuri stayed in that bedroom just cuddling each other. You finally got some peaceful rest, while Katakuri brush his fingers through your hair. Katakuri has finally got you back and he never going to let you go or even out of his sight.

You were the only thing that matter to Katakuri, you were his whole life now.

"I'm so glad that you are okay {__}." Katakuri pulled you closer to him not wanting to let you go forever. Katakuri wish this moment would last forever.

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