MY 100 Problems

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"Get your ass down stairs now your going to make yourself late!" Mom screams from the front door as I hurry to grab boxes and other shit in my room I need for college I start running down stairs when I get to the door my mom was standing there and she says

"God if you pull this stunt again I will have your father dive all the way up there and beat your ass again!" They pretend they love each other when people are around but as soon as the leave in comes the alcohol and out come the punches and screaming. You know it got so bad one time when I was 9 my dad hit her so bad her gave her a black eye it didn't go away for like a month ever since then "daddy's little girl" has gotten her fair share of beatings.

But I've gotten used to the "punishments" when I wasn't aloud to eat for a week I didn't even care because I've gotten so used to not eating it doesn't even slip my mind

As we walk to to moms car I put all my crap in the back seat and get in the passengers seat of the car as we are driving my mom decides she's going to put her lame music on the radio I'm officially bored out of my mind.

After 4 in a half hours we pull into the school "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO" a rich peppy school but one thing about me I'm 100% not peppy and my parents are rich but I practically have nothing the only reason I'm going to the school is because dad own the fucking campus I'd much rather do online school and not socialize with people. Me and people don't typically get along I don't like putting up with other peoples problems "oh brad said this about Chloe and Hannah said this about Emma" I think in a very mocking tone .

When I get out of the car mom helps me grab all my stuff and we head towards the building my dorm number is c 23 we walk past a lot of snobby girls and pretty boys when I knocked on the door a girl with tattoos all over her body and like 10 different face piercings opens the door and looks at me with the greatest excitement I had ever seen I think it was the fact I was dressed in black baggy jeans and a neon green long sleeved shirt with a black beanie and wasn't a prissy pink princess like all the other girls I walked by in the building. We walked into the room and straight away I see 2 boys sitting on her bed they are both fairly attractive. I try to wave politely but I just seem to come off annoyed. She turns to me and says "hey my names Gigi" before I get a chance to say anything my mom quickly says "her names Elizabeth." I'm quick to mumble "Eli" under my breath.

I've always had people call me Eli I just like it better mom said she didn't like it so she continued to call me Elizabeth my dad doesn't even really talk to but when he does at least he calls me Eli. My mom gives a quick one her fake smiles and leaves the room in an instant. I think she didn't like the smell of one of the boys smoking a cigarette I put my stuff down on this small dorm bed and sit down Gigi turns to me and says "so Elizabeth wanna come with us to the biggest fraternity house on Friday?" I look at her and say "I don't go by Elizabeth it's Eli." "Well Eli you wanna come." One of the boys says. " I don't know I don't really like party's." "Uggh fine but your coming to the next one" they all leave the room and now it's just me alone in the room I decide to go looking around campus but there's really nothing so I start heading back to my dorm when I get half way down the hall I notice the doors open and Gigi's should be at the party by now I hurry into the room to find a guy sitting on Gigi's bed I quickly look at him and say "umm hello what are you doing here he looks up from his phone and says "Ive been ask to come here." "But there is literally no one here who asked you I think you've got the wrong room and how did you get in here." " I opened the door with my keys and yes Gigi asked me to come here and get to know her roommate because we both weren't going to the party and I presume that roommate to be you?" I now notice his British accent. "Actually I am going to the party I was just coming later." I lie so he'll leave "well I'll drive you there and we can both go" he say. Why won't he just leave!? "No it's fine I don't need you to drive me" I say "no it's fine I really don't mind". God why is he so annoying. I look at him and say "fine" we walk out of the dorm in silence when we get to his car he say "what's your name I can't drive someone who I don't know there name." He says teasingly "Eli" i say with less enthusiasm than him. "What's yours" I say threw my teeth trying to be as kind as I can . "Harry" He says

We arrive at this big house with already intoxicated teens the smell of alcohol and cigarettes fill the air. we enter the house to see Gigi making out with one of the boys from earlier it was definitely he black haired one .
Gigi is so pretty she could practically have every guy on there hands and knees. I mean I wouldn't say I'm ugly I'm just to skinny like Un healthy skinny because I never eat ever time I  do it just reminds me of my beatings and I throw it all up. I see Harry is still following me up the stairs out to the balcony when I get out there he's standing behind me "are you like following me now or something" I laugh "no I always come out here I don't like the big crowds don't flatter your self." He chuckles back I stand on the edge of the balcony he turns to me and ask "why don't you like me?" "I don't" I say honestly I don't even know him. "Then why are you so i don't know up tight I guess." " I'm not uptight" I snap back. "Sorry" he blurts out "for what" I say I'm the one being rude. "for being annoying" he's not so bad I guess I pull out a pack of cigarettes and put one in my mouth but don't light it " you smoke" he says  "no" I say back "but you have a cigarettes in your mouth" he points " did you see me light it no it's only smoking if you light it havent you seen "The Fault In Our Stars" "you hold your life in your mouth and you have the power to let it kill you." I say he just looks at me. As he just looking at me I climb up in the railing of the balcony and just stair of into the sunset when he shouts " get down from there your going to get hurt" " come on up here the sky is beautiful" I say "what are you crazy" he shouts back "yes I am" I say by the time I'm done with my sentence he is already standing next to me " scoot over I want to show you something" I say he slowly moves to the other side of the railing "watch" i say I unhook my arms from my side and put the cigarette in between my fingers and lift my arms up to me side "it's like your flying" I quietly say  he then climbs down and turn around and jump back down onto the balcony. As we start to walk back down the stairs he says "your crazy" again and I whisper "I know".

MY 100 PROBLEMS Where stories live. Discover now