Chapter 23

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[6 Months later ELIS POV]

After 4 long hours of labor my baby boy was brought into this world. Thomas Harold Styles. "He's beautiful He looks just like me." Harry says hovering over me. A lot has changed I now have a baby Harry has a job we're married and we just moved into a new house. "I know my handsome boys. I say kissing Thomas's fore head. He's my baby that's crazy. We brought that baby into the world. I smile at Harry and he holds him close to his chest "hi Thomas your my little boy your gonna be daddy's little man." He whispers but loud enough for me to hear him "yes he is."

{3 weeks later}


Me and my baby boy were laying on the floor playing as he's laying on my chest and I'm reading him my favorite book he got called "daddy's little dinosaur." Cause he's daddy's little man. I smile when I see Eli hasn't came out of her room. I carrie Thomas into the bedroom and put him in his crib "Eli where are you?" I yell I try to open the bathroom but it's locked so I take my credit card and open the door Elis sitting on the floor barely awake and there's blood on her mouth and in the toilet. Oh no I grab my phone a call 911 I hold her close to me and I can feel her heartbeat. "Eli please stay with me I love you." I scream when an abundance crew runs in and pries her from me I grab Thomas and follow them out side. We all get into the ambulance and I hold her hand and say "Eli stay with me baby I love you Thomas and I need you" I cry we get to the hospital and they have her stable when she wakes up me and Thomas are laying right next to her.

"What happened?" She asks "I don't really know." I say honestly with tears in my eyes. When a doctor pulls me out side and says "we have to let you know her cancer is back and she's not going to get better." He says tears just fall from my face "what do you mean how long does she have!" I scream "sir we believe it's weeks." My heart drops when he says that. "I stand out side pacing back in forth and I see Eli is crying because she has just been told the news I run in there and wrap my arms around her and Thomas. "It's going to be ok I promise." I tell her "Harry there is nothing you can do and you promised me you would make promises you can't keep!" She snaps "I know I just I have to go feel good." I say now crying. "I just love you so much!" I say "I love you too." She responds. " she pulls away and hands me Thomas. "Promise me my sweet boy will know me I know you don't want to hear this but I need to know that he'll know me and care about you and you can't give up on him he needs you and will always you have to promise me I made a vow saying I would lift you up when your sad and you need to do the same if Thomas EVER feel like I abandoned him because I'm trying so hard not to let go and I want to be with him as you I just don't know if it's possible!" She says now we're both bawling "promise me please." She begs me I just nod and say "I promise".

It's the next morning and Elis and Thomas are still sleeping I decide to take a picture of them sleeping together. When Eli wakes up. "What are you doing?" She asks so tiredly "nothing." I say and kiss her forehead when Thomas wakes up crying and she starts crying and whispers "I love you my sweet baby boy." I hug her and she's cold so I ask her if I can hold Thomas so she hands him to me and I lay next to her and throw a blanket over her and she's asleep again.

When she woke up again she hold Thomas and says "he's so beautiful I can't believe he came from me." "Well I can his daddy is gorgeous." I say and she laughs it's nice to see her laugh we haven't done much of that recently it's been very stressful. "Mama ma ." Thomas cooed "did he just call me momma." Eli squeals and a tear falls down her face "he did that's crazy he's only a month wow." I shout with excitement. "Gigi and Zayn are coming there going to watch Thomas for a while." I smile and she hugs him close.

1 hour later Gigi and Zayn come in while Zayn's holding his baby girl and mine is in Elis lap. Eli brings him to her chest and whispers something in his ear. I couldn't hear what she said but she then kissed his forehead and handed him to me. I kissed him too and hades him to Gigi she picked him up and said "he looks just like you Harry." I smile and she hugs Eli and they leave.

Right before bed Eli pulls out a journal. I've never seen it before. "Where did you get that I've never seen it before what are you writing about?" I ask "I got it from the hospital last time I was here and you wish you could know what I'm writing about." She laughs "ok ok." She gets up and asks me to leave the room "I need a second." She says. I agree and leave when I walk back in she's sitting back on the bed smiling. "Done writing now huh." I ask "yah just for now." She says with a big grin.

We go to sleep and I hold her close and she kisses my lips and I fall asleep to her playing with my hair. Soon enough we're both asleep. When I feel Eli shoot up panting out of breathe saying "I'm ok please go back to bed"crying.


I shoot up from my bed with and huge pain in my chest I start crying when Harry asks me "Are you ok." I think so I say "I'm ok please go back to bed." I think it's happening I don't want Harry to see this. "Harry go to bed I feel fine." I lie still panting and crying. When he lifts me from my bed and screams help to the nurses they run over and grab her from me and go back into the room.


I'm crying trying to get to my wife when I hear it the sound of sadness he heart beat goes cold. I run over and the nurses are all apologizing saying they did everything possible. I don't believe it it's not true she's not gone she can't be. I drop to the floor and a nurses wraps her arm around me and I cry and

We all get in the room and I hug her cold body to my chest when I see Gigi sprinting down the hall bawling and she runs into the room I see Zayn holding both babies. Gigi then places her hand on Elis faces and jerks it back because the coldness startled her. Zayn walks into the room and he wraps his arms around me I'm on the floor and Thomas reaches out for me but I can't grab him I'm afraid I'll drop him. So Zayn walks over to Gigi and hugs her tightly "if there's anything you need lad we're here for you."Zayn says. I can't answer I just lay sideways and bring my knees to my chest and cry.

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