Chapter 16

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(Still Lilli's story)

We then after that became really good friends we would sneak out of our rooms and would talk for hours he became my best friend. Until I began to see him different and had a crush on him. I then felt the need to tell him so one night we went down the hall quietly and I blurted out " I like you" he quickly turned around and I immediately started to say "I'm sorry I don't know where that came from i-"And was quickly shut down by his lips and that right there was our first kiss together.

He soon after that asked me out and we went on our first date. He took me to the lobby that was empty and covered in white lights I was wearing a bright yellow long dressed and had a yellow headband on my bald head it was silly but I thought it looked nice i had my makeup done nicely. He then grabbed his phone and played slow music and nurse came out and started dancing with us along with some of the other kids it was one of the best nights of my life and ever since that day we were inseparable. We did everything together. From treatments to hanging out it was the best.

He helped me push further and relax we would always watch the stars. He told me if anything happened to him to look to the stars cause that's where he'd be so that's what I was doing all night.


Lilli was now crying again and I didn't even notice that I was too. We exchanged hugs and just cried for like 10mins straight when Harry walked in i hadn't noticed but it had been an 1 hour and a half and Harry had been all by himself I feel so bad. But I felt a lot better after talking to Lilli she the look at both of us and said "well I should get going" we gave one last hug and she left the room.


[Harrys POV]

It was earlier in the morning and me and Eli were getting ready for Luke's funeral it's crazy it's already been a month it feels like it was just yesterday when we met him and Lilli. Since the incident Lilli and Eli have become really close. Luke's family decided the were going to do an open casket so Lilli could see him one last time. It's time to leave and Eli hasn't said a word she walks out and there is Lilli walking out we catch up to her and Eli and Lilli hug. We go our car and Lilli and Luke's parents go to another we get in a drive off we finally pull into a church building and park I get out and open Elis door.

We walk into the building and everyone is already seated when the funeral service begins. They go on about his life when Lilli starts crying and walking towards the casket she starts to whisper something in Luke's lifeless ear when an older lady pulls her away and hugs her. The service was about 2 hours long when we head back to the hospital.

Me and Eli decide to eat in the cafe when she finally speaks to me and says "I love you Harry you know that right." I so confused of course I love her she knows that. "Of course why else would I of asked you to marry me." I respond "I know I was just making sure." She says "why?" I ask "cause I just want to know you love me Incase something ever happens to me I guess." Oh she's worried because of what happened I mean I makes sense I would be scared too. "Well good thing nothings going to happen." I say trying to cheer her up. She just stands up and kisses my forehead.

She grabs my hand and we walk back up stairs and we get to the room. She closes the door and I pick her up and wrap her legs around my waist and spin her around. "I love you so much Eli." I say "I love you too."

It soon night when Eli is reading to me her favorite book. Her voice is so cute ever sense we ended up in this hospital she has become a bit of a softy. I love her anyway she is so It doesn't matter to me. I end up playing with her hair and she kisses me on the lips a grab her neck sand kiss her back she's so kind her lips are so soft I love the way her lips feel there so warm. She pulls away. "Are you ok?" I ask her "uh yah I'm just a bit tired I haven't slept much." I can't tell if she's lying to me or not she's good at lying if she wants to be.

I decide to ignore it and let her sleep I end up falling asleep too my face is nuzzled into her shoulder and her hand is on my hand head. Her body's so cold so I decide to wrap my arms around her waist and I pull her closer in my sleep. I wake up to her hand on my back rubbing back and forth it feels good and I feel really relaxed. I then wake her up by kissing her shoulder with my tongue.


I feel Harrys wet tongue and soft lips on my shoulder and I wake up from my sleep. I grab his chin and kiss him. We lay in bed and I run my finger along his tattooed chest. I then kiss his chest and then get out of bed. I walk over and grab some clothes and change in the bathroom down the hall I put on grey sweat pants and keep my black bra and a flannel on un button. I walk back into the room and Harry's eyes immediately look shocked and I ask him "what's wrong?"

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