Chapter 18

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                     [ELIS POV]

               "What can I help you with?" I question "I like you like like you." He say I'm so confused "I don't even know you and are you forgetting I have a boyfriend who's my fiancé?"
I say back "I know and i don't care I can't help it I just do ." He reply's "umm I think o should go" I stand up and he grabs my hand and stands up and kisses me and I push him off and I turn around to see Harry standing at the door. Oh shit this isn't my fault this is what I get for being nice to someone. When I get out side I see Harrys already half way down the hall I start running even though I know I shouldn't over exert myself but I can't let him get away. I finally get close enough to scream his name I'm now panting and coughing and my chest feel is like it's on fire and Harry turns around I go blank I can't speak or move the world now starts to spin when I collapse to the ground last thing I can hear is Harry screaming my name.

                        I then wake up to Harry standing over me I have a breathing tube in my nose and a tube in my forearm. He's holding my hand and he looks at me and says "why did you do that." I can't tell if he's talking about the kiss or the running so I decide to answer both possible questions.

                  "Well I didn't kiss that guy he kisses me did you not see me pull him off." I say "I know he already told me I overreacted but I mean why did you run after me you know your not supposed to do anything physical." He says practically screaming. " I couldn't let you believe that I would ever cheat on you I love you Harry." He smiles and then kisses me.

               I can't believe Harry would ever even think it would be possible for me to cheat on him. Why would I do that we hardly fight and I live him and he loved me. But the again I know from his prospective it would look really bad. I don't know what I would have done if he left me. I'm not even going to think about it.

It's been a couple of days and I can go back to what I was doing before. The good news is I get to go home in a week. But I still have to come back the next month for the 2nd treatment and then another month in the hospital. I'm starting to really hate it here. I glad I haven't ran into Ryan recently it would be way too awkward and I don't want to be a problem. He hasn't been showing up at our group meets. Just as I'm thinking Harry interrupts my thoughts by saying " Do you like him ?" God Why is he still on this?

" Harry how many times do we have to go over this no I don't and I never will." I shout. "It's just I don't know I feel like I'm not good enough for you." He says that made my heart hurt. "Well you are so stop asking me about that." I snap. He holds my hand as we lay in bed and we talk and talk for hours. I love how easy it is for us to talk. Just as when we were getting comfortable someone walks in "Honey Oh my god are you ok?" It's my mothers and father. What are they doing here why are they here. "Uh what are you guys doing here?" I ask Harry is now standing. "Oh we just had to check up on our daughter we didn't believe it when your boyfriend called." She says "Fiancé actually." Harry says obnoxiously. "Fiancé oh how could I forget you came and ask me like 2 months ago." My dad says. Why are they being so nice? "We're here to see how your doing Eli." My dad says "well I'm fine I guess but what is going on why do you care?" I ask "do we really need a reason to see our daughter?" She adds. I just stay silent I don't wanna start a fight. We all walk down stairs and we eat at the cafe. I have only let this building once because I've been to weak to go anywhere else. My parents then leave as quick as they came in. "Well that was weird?" Harry says "I know?" I say genuinely confused.

We lay back down when I almost fall asleep someone barges through the doors it's Ryan. Harry the stands up as Ryan walks up to him he seems pissed but why? " I may not be strong enough I beat your ass but I am strong enough to do this." He the punches Harry in the face! What is going on? "What the hell was that for?" Harry screams at Ryan. "God I may have kissed your girlfriend but you didn't tell her you were going in there meet up with my sister!" He yells back Harry the pushes him up against the wall when 2 nurses come in and pry them away from each other. "What is going on!" One of the nurses yell at them. "He kissed my fiancé!" Harry yells "yah well he kissed my sister so were even!" He yells back my heart drops kissed that cant be true. He then turns to me and say "Eli I'm sorry I was going to tell you I swear!" I then get up frazer but I move towards the door and start running down the stairs I somehow make it out side and there are 4 nurses following me down the street.

1 of them grabs my arm and I start crying she pulls me in and I just fall to the ground she wraps me in her arms and carries me back into the building. I see Harry running out of the building and into the parking lot. When I get inside Ryan is staining at me on the stairs. "I'm sorry I was just angry I didn't mean to hurt you." He yells me as the nurse walks past him up the stairs. "Don't talk to her your only going to make her blood pressure rise!" The nurse yell.

She takes me to my bed and places me down. And I just cry and cry. I then see Zayn and Gigi walk in Gigi bump is so big now. What are they doing here? "Hey Eli can we come in?" She asks me I nod "What are you guys doing here?" I say. "Harry called us and said you guys are in a fight and he wanted us to stay with you." Zayn says. "How are you doing Gigi?" I ask her

"I'm good I've been a little tired but that's all I guess." She says walking over to me she then gives me a hug.

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