Chapter 10

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                        [ELIS POV]

                         Harry gets in the car and we start to drive to the Doctors when we pull in I look at Harry and I  say "can you wait in the parking lot I want to go in by myself." He nods and drives away as I walk into the building i see the front desk and I walk up to the lady standing behind the counter I give her all the information  she needs and sits down it feel like an eternity I'm so glad I decided to where a black cropped tank top with baggy jeans I feel so comfortable. It's like 30 minutes when a nurse comes out and calls my name I walk over to her and she leads me to a scale. My anxiety is rising I've always hated the scale it made me feel like a number

                     She tells me to take of my shoes and I do and step on the scale she looks shocked I had lost 10 pounds from when I left the hospital the first time she writes it down on her clip board 100 pounds god I felt so sick she then leads me to a room where she pricks me with a needle and draws blood for testing then a another nurse comes in and asks me all the normal questions and the leaves but when she leaves she seems really worried. Like 20 minutes later a doctor comes in and say "we'd like to start your chemo treatment as soon as possible" I forgot all about having to take medication "uh Yah" I say " we'd like to start Friday if thats ok?" I nod and he then says " we'd like to let you know some side effects that are normal to have your hair will fall out you'll get tired if you over exert yourself you will lose you appetite but try to eat as much as you can" I simply nod when the doctor tells me I can leave I rush out of the building crying when I step outside I wipe my tears and call Harry.

                            "Hey Harry I'm done" I say quietly "ok I'll pull up to the front are you ok?" "I'll tell you when we get home." I snap "ok" I see his car and when I get in I turned  to the window and just silently cry we drive the rest of the way in complete silence we pull into the drive way of his house i get out and speed walk to the door when we get inside I rush to the bathroom I lock myself in.

                       I lean up against the door and cry I can't control it Harry then nocks on the door begging me to talk to me but I choose to ignore him I stand up and grab Harry's hair buzzer thing I can't even think straight but before I stop myself  I have already shave half my head and when l finish I just cry some more it feels like since I met Harry all I've done is cry it's not his fault it's mine I have like 100 problems that I'm turning into a problem.

                      I step out of the bathroom when Harry grabs my wrist. "What did you do why did you do that" and points to my head I scream "do you still love this Harry a skinny and ugly messed up girl who keep pushing her problems on to you before you even answer let me tell you it's ugly." I run up stairs balling my eyes out now when Harry reaches me "you are not ugly you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen with-or without hair and you don't need me to tell you for you to already know I will always love you know matter what you know I I've you so much will you be my girlfriend." He blurts out "do you mean that ?" I sound like a baby but I don't care

                     "Yes I mean it and I do want you to be my girlfriend I know it's tacky and lame but it's true and I don't give 2 shits of fucks what everyone else things because all that fucking matters to me is you!" He steps towards me "so it that a yes he says  I nod "I want you to say it" he continues "yes" I reply "yes what?" He says teasingly. "Yes I'll go out with you" he grabs me and kisses me his tongue pushes threw it's warm and so is his body I love this so much.

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