Chapter 5

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                [LIAMS POV]

        I get in my car and start to drive to the hospital that Harry and Eli are at. I wonder why Harry really needs her phone I could just tell he was lying. We've been friends for a very long time since we were about 8 years old Harry had just moved from England with his parents and little sister who is now a model in NYC his parents are never here anymore because they moved back to England like 2 years ago left Harry here with like nothing he was practically homeless if he didn't start selling drugs freshman year of college he probably would have been he doesn't anymore but he use to he now gets his money form his sister once at the end of every month .

                  I pull into this big Emergency Hospital when I walk up to the door Harry's already standing outside I ask him "so why do you really need this phone?" " I have to call her parents and mine." He says " why don't you use your phone?" "I don't have her parents number dumbass" he reply "no you parents smart-ass !"  "They blocked me ok" he snaps back i hand  him the phone and start to walk back to my car I get in and turn the heater back on and drive of.

              [HARRYS POV AGAIN]

               I push the door open and wander back in side I sit down again and turn Eli's phone on thank God her phone doesn't have a password on it I go threw her contacts when I find none named mom or dad. I'm confused now what would I put my parents under if I didn't like them then I came across a suitable name "BITCH" I decided to with it and called the number it rang for about 10 seconds when a woman picked up "hello Elizabeth?" Elizabeth? Her names Elizabeth wow I just thought her name was actually just Eli "Hello" the voice on the other end said " is this Eli's mom" I say just to make sure. "Yes this is Elizabeth's mom can I help you." "She's at the hospital and I just wanted to inform you ." "And whom am I speaking to?" She ask "just one of her friends" "we must be talking about different Elizabeth's my Elizabeth doesn't have any friends goodbye." I here the line goes dead "damn it" I say out loud  everyone is now staring at me but now I understand why she's under as bitch I then dial my moms number "hello who's this" and old woman picks up "is this Anne" "umm no this is mrs.Matthews sorry" "oh sorry to bother you wrong number" did she really change her number and not tell me?

                 Enough thinking about our parents there pretty bull-shitty. I walk up to the front desk and ask if Eli is going to be ok for like the 100th time when I'm asking a male doctor walks out and says Harry styles can we have you come with me I practically run over to him he say "we need to ask a few questions about Eli" "yeah of course" I say

                I follow him in front of her room and he tells me to sit next to him in the chair. "What do you need to know" " just the basics" I nod "how old is she" "18" i know this because Gigi mentioned to the cops they were the same age. "Is there anyway she's pregnant?" "What hell no" I reply "ok ok when was her last chemo treatment?" "What do you mean" "we did a blood test she has leukemia" I'm in shock when he said that my body went cold I just stair at him and by his look he can tell I'm shocked. "Did she know?" "I don't know we asked you to find out?" He says I start to sweat like crazy he gets up and brings me a cup of water but I can't even hold it I drop it on the floor "were going to need you to sign this paper giving us permissions to do further test" I just nod at him he bring the paper over I sign it and I ask him "can I see her?" "Yeah she's in here" I walk in and she's a sleep on the bed "we will need to keep her her overnight to watch her vitals we suspect she can go home the following day if that's ok. "Yah" I reply gulps "when she goes home she must have someone with her at all times and she must be on bed rest ok so no classes no walking nothing" "ok" i say still in shock by this hole situation it's around 6:00 pm and I see Gigi and Zayn walking over to her room when they walk in Gigi's crying Zayn's comforting her she looks at me and ask "is she going to be ok" "they think she'll be able to go home in like 2 days." I say leaving out the cancer part I don't want to add more stress to everyone.

"Well Harry we actually have something to tell everyone and with this hole situation we thought you would be the first person we told." He looks at Gigi something about her is glowing. "No Zayn I think we should wait." Gigi say "God no wait are you pregnant?" I ask "yeah we found out after the hole fight" Gigi says "no wonder all the rings are out of your face." Zayn chuckles the thought of him as a dad is just crazy I never really notice but Gigi with out all her pricing look like she could be a model.

After about an hour of Gigi crying I think it's the hormones from being pregnant her and Zayn leave we exchange goodbyes and they were gone bye the time we look at the clock again it's already 8:46 and I'm passed out on the chair in the room.

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