Chapter 14

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                          [ELIS POV]

                     I wake up at like 12 am to a nurse nudging my arm "What's wring " I say softly "can you come out side?" There are like 4 nurses standing around me leading me to out side of the building the stars are very bright out and Gigi, Zayn,Niall,Liam,Louis,Luke,and Lilli are all standing out side and Harry's standing right behind them they all scoot out of the way. The nurse Lear's go of my arm and I walk over to him Niall and Liam are hold my arm to help me stay up when I look at Harry and ask "what's going on why is everyone out here?" Harry then says,

                            Eli you have been with me for 3 months now and I love you every moment we share make my stomach have butterflies I know I'm not perfect and I make mistakes but I want you to know I went to your parents house to get permission to do the" He then kneels down and pulls out a box similar to the one Luke had and I being to cry "will you marry me?" I don't know what to say and I just nod a few times before saying "yes yes I'll marry you" He then puts the ring on my finger and kisses my hand with the ring.

                    Then stands up and kisses me on the lips and a single tear falls down his cheek and on to his chin I wipe it away and Lilli come up from behind me and puts her arm around my shoulder and says "we're engaged." Playfully. I laugh while still crying tears of joy. I still can't believe I got mad at Harry earlier knowing that's the reason he went to talk to then made me feel a lot better I look up at him an say "I'm sorry" with tears still falling down my face he say "don't be" already knowing what I'm thinking and then he hugs me again before picking me up and spinning me around.

                   "Are you prepared to be Mrs.Styles." Gigi says and I laugh some more and say "more than ready.

                    Once everybody is gone and me and Harry are back in the room I pull him over to me and I kiss him I'm standing on his shoes so I can reach him and he holds my head up. And gives me a soft kiss and picks me up and puts me on the bed and tickles me I laugh

" So are you ready to be Mrs.Styles?" Harry ask me now. And I repeat "more than ready." We lay on the bed together and talk about how our wedding will hopefully be and how he can't wait to see me in a white dress all theses things just make me so happy I don't even realize that I'm falling asleep.

It's around 6 am when I hear someone screaming in the hall the more conscious I become from my sleep I can tell it's Lilli why was she screaming? I jump up and head towards the door and I see Harry following me. We open our door to see Lilli through the glass she's screaming for help!

Harry quickly rushes to the door to find Luke on the floor out cold! I run to Lilli trying to pull her out of the room just Incase something happens but she's forcefully trying to stay while crying. What is going on I finally get Lilli out of the room to turn around to see Harry giving Luke CPR and nurses are now running into the room once they get in the room Harry moves out of the way and comes out of the room. Harry gives me a quick look and he walks over to Lilli telling her to close her eyes and go sit down.

He leads her to a chair away from the door so she can't see what's going on and I'm just standing there looking at Luke with tears in my eyes. A male doctor then picks up likes lifeless body and carries him away his eyes still open but no life left. His blank eyes just stair at me only for a moment but it felt like a lifetime.

The look of his eyes just leaves me now blank just staring into the room where his body once was by now nothing fills the room. How could this happen one moment he was here and the next just gone. I did consider him my friend so this really hurt I can't believe this is happening to Lilli! I guess that's why you shouldn't make friends in a hospital because it harder if they leave.

I then see Lilli and Harry come around the corner. Lilli's calmed down a bit and Harry brings her over to me. She walks over to me and hugs me I wrap my arms around her but I still feel that blank expression on my face that expression makes it hard to blink but you somehow find yourself closing you eyelids. I'm glad Harry got her out of there if she saw his eyes I don't think she could ever get that image out of her head. I don't know if I will. When Lilli unhooks her arm she asks me "Is he going to be ok?". Oh my god she doesn't know did Harry not know? I grab her hand and we sit on the chairs in front of the room.

I finally bring myself to say it "Lilli they tried trust me but he's gone." She looks at me and say "no I don't believe you your lying he can't be!" She starts to cry hysterically again and I hug her. Harrys now just standing there with that I didn't know face and he walks over to us and kneels and hugs both of us. A nurse the comes over and hugs Lilli while she's crying fiddling with her engagement ring. It's not fair this shouldn't of happened they were going to get married! The nurse is now leading Lilli to a room to talk and me and Harry are heading back our rooms. I sit down on one of the chairs in our room and look down it feels like my chest is on fire when Harry sits on the floor in front of my feet and say "am so sorry I tried but I couldn't I felt him slip away but I just couldn't do anything." I just keep looking down when Harry comes and sits next to me and puts his arm around me and hugs me.

An hour later Harry is back to sleep when I stand up and grab my journal I write in it some tears hit the page I was just so stressed and this hole thing I just can't sleep so write and I write and next thing I know I see the sun start to rise. I get up from the bed and walk over to this bench over looking the outside world. I bring my knees to my chest and watch the earth awake I silence. It's so beautiful how can something be so beautiful when something tragic happens. I don't think the earth care god what am I thinking! I continue to just stair into the hopeless sky hoping it would stop mocking its beauty.

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