Chapter 22

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                    [HARRYS POV]

              I take a deep breath and look Eli in the eye and say "I worked my whole life stressing about relationships but with you it comes easy there's no thinking we just do what are hearts long for. I removed the day I realized I loved you It was the day I almost lost you I realized that day I couldn't live without you. You bring be overwhelming happiness I can't bare to be apart from you I love you Elizabeth joy Miller you really are my joy I promise to love your forever no madder the situation or how high I have to climb to get you back." I end my vow in tears and smile at her and it's now her turn.


"Thank you, thank you for being the one constant being in my life I remember the day I thought I was truly going to die soon. But I was at peace because of you you gave me peace in what was supposed to be my darkest hour you took my hand and lead me out of the dark although I'm not perfect you make me feel that way and that's why I promise to love you pick you up when you are down and be forever yours I love you." I'm now crying and I smile "I now pronounce you both Mr. and Mrs. Styles you may now kiss the bride." Harry leans in and cups my face a kisses me everybody cheers and I feel a tear fall on my cheek. Next thing I know where in a big room dancing and Harry's drinking with his lads when he comes over to me "care to have a dance Mrs.Styles?" He asks reaching his hand out "I would love to Mr.Styles." He grabs my hand and our favorite song starts playing "Someone To You" He spins me around and starts spinning me in circles "I suck at dancing." He laughs. "Yah you do." I respond.

That night Harry said he had a surprise for me "where are we going?" I ask him "I can't tell you until we get there." He says. I'm now waring sweatpants and one of his t-shirt so we went going somewhere nice? Where are we going? He pulls his car into a beach and says "put this on its ok I'm not going to kill you." He says "ok." And I put it on I feel him leading me on to something hard but then I realized I'm not wearing shoes. It's fine I just got married and had to wear heals all night. He makes me sit down and I feel my legs dangling. "We're here." He says and takes off my blind fold we're at a dock. "What are we doing here?" He then points to a guy standing across from us "He is going to take us on that boat and we're going to see the stars on open water just like I promised." He smiles "I don't know what to say" I start crying. He hugs me "it's ok baby." We follow the man who takes us to a boat and we get on. When we get far out to sea I find a flat surface and I lay down. "The stars there's so many there beautiful!" I say "I love you." Harry says and come lays next to me. "I love you too."

We get home and I'm really tired now we have done so much today it was just amazing better than I could of ever imagined "Today's been perfect." I say "well your perfect so I had to do something to fit." He says "I'm not perfect and you know that." I say and I laugh "Are you sure I do?" He wraps his arms around me and we're asleep. It's around 5am when I wake up to a burning pain in my chest it hurts really bad but I brush it off. "Are you ok Eli?" Harry asks "uh yah just a nightmare I guess." I lie "aww it's ok come here." He brings me to his chest and I feel better again. We both wake up around 9:30 am "how are you baby?" Harry asks me. "I'm ok." I lie the pain in my chest has moved to my stomach. "I have to go to the bathroom." I smile he nods when I get in there I lock the door and I throw up Harry unlocks the door "are you ok I heard you fall you look green." He says "I just don't feel good I'm ok." I say "no your not I'm taking you to the doctor." He yells.

We get to the doctors office and I'm laying on there bed curled in a ball. When a doctor walks in. "Hi I'm dr.James how are you guys doing in here." He walks over to me and I ask Harry politely to leave the room because I get uncomfortable with people in the doctors rooms with me. He nods a goes out side "so just got married I hear ?" I nod "now how often do you guys have sex I know it's weird for me to ask but I have to." He states "umm not often I guess." I say "ok can you remember the last time you was?" He then asks "like 3 months ago maybe." I respond "great now when was your last period?" I look at him and say "like 3 months ago but it's normal for me because of my eating." I quickly say. "We'd like to do a pregnancy test if that's ok." I nod because I know I can't get pregnant my last doctor explained to me I'm to under weight and I was also just to sick at the time. He has me lay flat on the table when he takes his gel and rubs it on my stomach and a female doctor comes in a used a stick thing to see if anything was in there I felt like laughing but I didn't. " uh ma'am are you aware your 13 weeks pregnant?" I go numb and put my hand over my mouth this cant be right can it? "Can my husband come in I need to tell him. They send him in and he looks at me confused and tilts his head "Harry come here." He walks over and I'm now sitting up on the bed and Harry's standing in front of me "what's wrong?" He asks I take a deep breath "Harry I'm 3 months pregnant."

"What did you just say?" He asks stunned "Harry I'm pregnant." I repeat "how I thought you said that you other doctor said you wouldn't be able to have children for a while?" He asks "well I am." I smile but he doesn't smile back "what are we going to do I mean do it's your body and I love you regardless and I'll be with you threw what ever decision you decide to make." He says "I won't to be a mom." I broke down and started crying "then you can be a mom and I'll be a dad." He smile and hugs me.

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