Chapter 15

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                            {FLASH BACK}

                   [HARRYS POV]


                 I'm sleeping peacefully when I hear someone screaming. Eli is already heading for the door. Without hesitation I follow her.when outside our door I see Lilli screaming for someone to help her. I run into the room to find Luke on the floor Lilli's on her knees holding his hand when Eli walks in. I don't want her to see this. Before I can say anything Elis already trying to pull Lilli out of the room. When there out of the room I grab Luke's wrist to feel no pulse. So I start to give him CPR.

                    I then see nurses screaming "Code Blue Code blue!" I immediately back away to let them do there job but if I'm being honest I could feel him slipping away. I walk out of the room and grab Lilli she can't see the love of her life dead. I just won't let that happen so I lead her down the hall to an open room with chairs we sit down and she turns to me and says "do you think he'll die?" Full of tears. I then turn to her and say "he's strong I think he'll pull through" I don't want to break her and who knows what will happen who am I kidding I much as I hate to admit there was nothing left in him.

                    I soon removed I just left Eli there right in front of Luke. I look at Lilli and say "We need to go to Eli" she nods and follows me back to the hall and I see Luke is no longer in the room that could have went 2 ways but when I looked at Eli I knew he was gone she was staring blank into the room where his body once laid she didn't even hear us walk in. Lilli starts to Eli and she hugs her. She then asks her "is he going to be ok?" Eli grabs he hand and they sit and Eli says " they did everything they could believe me but he's gone. Lilli's face just breaks down and she starts to refuse to believe what she said but she then gives in and just cries.

                      I walk over and kneel down where they are and I hug both of them until we are pulled back into our rooms. Eli sits down and I again kneel in front of her saying "I'm sorry I did everything I could but I felt him slip away." She doesn't answer she just continues
to stair at the floor I go and sit next to her and I put my arm around her and soon enough I'm asleep again.

                              {BACK TO THE PRESENT}

                        [STILL HARRYS POV]

I wake up and I see Eli staring off into the morning sky I don't know when she got up but I can tell she hasn't slept he eyes are all red and her bags under her eyes have grown scene the night. I stand up and rub my eyes and walk over to her I don't say anything I just lift my knees to my chest and stair at the sky like her. I stunning out it's so relaxing I just stair in silence when she asks me " do you think she'll ever move on and be happy? I'm confused by her question but I say " I don't know that's for her to decide" we both go silent again "You know I can't get that image out of my head." She blurts out "What image?" I ask "He just stared at me but he was gone" she adds "I'm sorry baby" is all I can think of to say.

For the rest of the day we're silent she doesn't eat anything and hardly moves when Lilli walks in our room. "Hey mind if I come in" she says quietly I can tell she hasn't slept either "Yah come in." I say I the stand up and leave the room o figure they would want some time alone.


Lilli comes in the room and sits where Harry once was I the ask her "how are you doing have you gotten any sleep." Already know the answer to that she still responds "no not at all." I give her an I'm sorry that this happened look and she hugs me. She's always been so nice even when she's hurting. I hug her back and we talk a bit about all of her memories with him and I just smile and laugh at the funny moments they had and smile and all there good memories she tells me about the day they met.....


It was a normal day in school senior year when we were doing a mile when I felt really tired and need to stop. That wasn't usual for me so my PE teacher yelled at me to push harder and I listed so I started to run again when I got to the corner I could feel immense heat and sweat so I stop again when I started to get dizzy.

My eyes started to rock back and forth and I could no long see it all went black. I soon wake up to me in a hospital bed and my mom standing in front of me crying. I had figured I got overheated but that wasn't the case. A doctor came in and a doctor looked at me and said "I'm sorry but we found a t tumor the size of a lemon we need to do some further test on it to see what it is.

Of course I immediately go into shock I'm so confused. Next thing I know there testing it and it came back as ovarian cancer. I couldn't believe it I was supposed to run at a track meet the next week but now I'm stuck in a hospital with cancer. My world turned upside down I went a whole week without talking to anyone when a nurse came in and asked me "would you like to come to our group meeting with the other kids only if you want to." At thins point I had already shaved my head and gotten my first round of chemo but I just shrug at her cause I don't know I'm quite tired and I don't really want to go. I should be at a track meet I thought. My mom then walked in and told me I have to go we argued a bit but I soon found myself in a chair with a bunch of other kids who look like me. When a boy walks in late.

"Look who decided to show up late again." One of the nurses said. "At least I came at all" the boy responds. "This is our new comer Lilli." She says pointing at me. I smile and he returns it. The group councilor then ask the group " Why do we chose to except something in our lives." Nobody says anything she then says "how about you Lilli." "Ummm well to except something you have to believe it's real I guess." I say quietly she nods and smiles then moves on to someone else and just as quick it started it was over.

I begin to walk down the hall when I feel someone's hand tap my shoulder I turn around and it the boy who was late. "Do you really believe that?" I'm confused now "huh believe what?" I ask "That you have to believe something is real to except it?" He say teasingly "I don't know?" I say "well I think that's bullshit." He responds I look at him and ask "Well why's that?"
"Because excepting something is knowing it's true but when you except something just you have to believe it." He say so sure of himself. "What does that me." I chuckle "well for starters it doesn't have to real you just have to convince yourself it is." He says "I have no idea where this is going?" I say honestly " well honestly neither do I, I just wanted to talk to you I guess." He says "well that was cute." I say teasingly.

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