Chapter 7

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We continue to drive when Harry ask me "Are you hungry do you want anything"
"No I'm ok I just want to go home and sleep." I say "Would you like to come to my house?" He asks me "umm i don't know?" "I'm going to take you to my house if you want to leave just tell" I nod

We pull up to this big house and we park in The drive way. He got out of the car and opened my door he leaned over and unbuckled my seat belt and picked me up and carried me to the front door. He put me down and had me lean against him so he could open the door when we got inside he walked me up his stairs and took me to what i think was his room. He opened the door and it smelt like him leading me to believe it was his room. He walked me to the bed and placed me down and said "I'm going to go down stairs ok" he smiles. Before he can leave the bed I grab his hand and say "stay please" he nods and lays next to me

An hour has past and I know Harry's asleep his hands fiddle with my hair in his sleep I take my hand and play with his kinda long hair when he wakes up "what are you doing" he asks me "nothing" I smile "you know I care a lot about you" he says "why?" "Because I love you and I don't know why" I just stair blankly "say something please" Harry says. "I like you Harry a lot but I don't know if I love you just not yet." I say honestly "I'm going to go down stairs ok" he gets up to leave but I grab his had again "please let me go down stairs." I pull him towards me and I grab his neck and gently kiss him.

"Why kiss me if you don't want a relationship with me?" He states "I do I just don't know if I love you I barely know you." It's true I barely know him but for some reason I feel like I must have him he makes even my injured body want him. Why does he care so much I'm so bland I can't give him what he needs. He goes to walk down stair when I stand up barely able to hold myself up I take one step and collapse to the grounds

"What are you think you can't walk I promised the doctor I would let you walk under no circumstance." He yells as he walks over to me "Harry I was going to change I still have bloody clothes on remember." I say he picks me up yet again and walks to his closet and grabs grey sweatpants and one of his white t-shirts and lifts my shirt up gently trying to avoid my stitches he puts it on and puts my sweats on and carries me down stairs and holds me on the couch he plays a movie and test again I find my self asleep.

I wake up and it's dark my body's hot and I'm sweaty Harry has gone upstairs to go to sleep and I'm down on the couch alone I feel myself starting to cry but I contain it I don't want my stitches to come undone.

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