Chapter 21

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{2 months later.}. <THE WEDDING>


It's really early and I'm getting ready with the all the boys. What if she changes her mind. "What if she changes her mind and doesn't want to marry me anymore?" I say panicking "of course she'll want to marry you look after everything that has happened she'd be crazy not to" Liam says. I know he's right but I just panic I've never been in love before I guess. "I'm just nervous I guess." I confess to them. "You should be keep it real." Niall laughs.

We walk out to the front of the people and I stand there waiting. There are far more people than I expected. I know we shouldn't of let Gigi do our invite list she know too many people. I notice my mom,dad and sister how did Gigi find them? I then see Elis mom and dad and I'm officially nervous I don't really know them and I'm marring there daughter. This is just I don't know so nerve racking.


"Oh my god we have to curl the hair faster!" Gigi yells at Elenor. Gigi's little baby girl is sitting on my lap as Gigi and El curl my short hair. "Are we almost done." I ask "You know what he can wait a little longer were taking our time to make this perfect!" Gigi yells "calm down it's ok it doesn't have to be perfect." I laugh. "Yes it does it has to be perfect it's your day." Gigi adds. I just laugh about 5 minutes later  there done. I stand up and look in the mirror and I look so beautiful. "You look stunning." El says leaning over my shoulder in the mirror. I smile "thank you you guys did amazing." I say

I then see my dad all though through my childhood my dad didn't really pay attention to me these last couple months my mom and dad have been trying really hard to change and I really want things to work out. My dad walks towards me. "You look beautiful I can't believe it my daughter is getting married." He says " I know dad I never imagined something like this ever happening to me." I say truthfully. It really is true I thought I was going to live and die alone I was never one on love until I meet Harry. He was so kind and persistent even though a hole lot has happened in the past couple of months he stayed. "You thinking about something honey?" My dad ask "Uh no just nervous I guess." I respond "yah I know but today's your big day so don't stress yourself out." He adds and I hug him I don't think I've ever hugged my dad before but it felt nice he hugged me back and I could see he was crying. "It's ok dad you know I forgive you right." I say trying to cheer him up. "Really I thought maybe you were still mad but I'm trying to be better i promise." He says " I know you are dad I know you are." We both take a deep breath.

              "Are you ready to get married." My dad chuckles "yah I can't wait any longer. Gigi and El run up next to me "it's time Eli are you ready?" Gigi says I nod. My dad walks me to the door and I take one last breath. When I hear the music start to play and the doors open I see Harry looking straight at me as we walk down I can see his eyes locked to me the entire time when I get next to him and the priest goes on about normal wedding stuff when he ask Harry to say his vows

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