Chapter 12

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We both wake up at like 7:00 am when the doctors come in to check on me they look at me and see how my body's reacting to the drug that is going to kill the cancer hopefully. They then leave and it's just me and Harry. I really want to tell Gigi but I think Harry came up with some lie for why I'm never around anymore I wonder how she's doing with her pregnancy and everything. Harry told me she found out when the whole fight thing happened with Dominic. She's probably like 2 months in now right? I think God I don't fucking know. I decide to call her just to see how everything is going " hey Eli!'' She says " I was just calling to see how your doing ?" I say " actually I feel amazing being pregnant makes me realize how much I love Zayn I'm so lucky to have him help me get threw this." "That's amazing to here Gigi!" It really is.

I guess I'm lucky because I have Harry to help me with this problem. "Are you aware of the gender yet" I ask "we want it to be a surprise but I'm like pretty sure it's a girl only his mom knows so she's buying all the stuff in secret." She respond "how are you?" She asks the one thing I hoped she wouldn't ask fuck! "I'm fine really busy though."I lie "good to hear it was nice talking to you." She says "yah it was nice talking to you too." "Well bye have a great day" "you too" I respond.

Harry then looks up at me from the other side of the room. "Who was that?" He asks "Gigi I called to see how she was doing." I say. "Well how is she?" He proceeds to ask me "She great she said happy to be pregnant." I chuckle. "Would you ever want kids like in the future?" Harry blurts out. I've never really thought about having children I don't know I just always assumed I would be a terrible mom because I didn't really know how moms are supposed to act I guess. "I don't know" I decide to respond with "why?" I ask. "I don't know I just thought you'd be an amazing mom i don't know it was a fucking stupid idea." He says shyly. "No it's not I just i don't know maybe." He walks over to me and kisses my forehead and we just sit the rest of the day in silence.

{Harrys asleep now}

Harry is still asleep so I decided to write in my journal the nurses gave me to "express" myself what ever that means and I write and I write and it's been almost 2 hours now and Harry should be waking up an time now so I put my journal under my pillow and lay there until he wakes up.

He rubs his eyelids and opens his eyes and looks at me he kisses my shoulder and starts to play with my fingers he then stands up and so do I and we walk out of the room to go get food from the cafeteria down stairs we eat and talk when I see this young couple who are both cancer patients here too I look at them and I think the girl noticed I was staring because they both start to walk over to us. The girl walks over and say "hi I'm Lilli what's your name?" I look at both of them and say "I'm Eli and that's Harry". Harry and the guy shake hands "I'm Luke" they both pull up a chair and ask "so what are you guys in for?" Harry goes "oh no I'm just the boyfriend." And we all laugh a bit "leukemia" I say "oh I'm here for lymphoma." The Luke says with a frown "ovarian" the lilli says "we don't really talk about it much we'd much rather focus on the positives that's how we met in our support group back in senior year of high school were both now freshman in college." Luke responds.
"Cool same." I say Harry looks at them and say "in a senior in college." We all y'all some more before we have to go back to our rooms we all wave goodbye and me and Harry are back in our room.

"Harry do you ever wonder if you'll make it to the day you get married?" I ask "What do you mean?" He asks me "like you'll live long enough I mean?" I say "not this again I thought I already told you your gonna get better I promise." He says "Harry you don't have the power to heal me you should make promises your not sure you can keep." I just looks at me with a frown "I don't mean to upset you Harry but I can't let you live of a lie it will only hurt you more if I were to die!" I shout "does it not bother you?" He asks "what?" I ask back "all of this you could die and you don't seem to care!?" I just shake my head no "why not cause it sure as hell bothers me." He states "well because I have you and that's all I need because it's all I've got if I were to die there would be nothing to worry about because I got everything I've ever wanted." I quietly respond

Harry doesn't say anything he just runs around and goes to sit on a chair across from me. It's about and hour later when Harrys asleep and I see Lilli crying out on the chairs out side. I walk out to the hall and I sit down next to her.

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