✌︎𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗲| 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗼✌︎

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I'll tell you when to play the song :)

The day of the escape

"Am I going to alert the others now?" The Shadow came out.

"Se, Er'e n sih rehtego" (Yes, We're in this together) Number One said. "Er'e n sih rehtego" (We're in this together) The shadow then blended into the walls. The Shadow warmed every siblings including Seven that its the right time to escape.

Number 11 shapeshifted into the soldier that was guarding his room. He knocked out the two soldiers and gets their gun and shot the CCTV camera outside his room, then he shot the other ones going to Number Four's and Number Nine's room.

He got there and unlocked the doors with the keycard from one of the guards. "We don't have much time" Eleven said. Four and Nine got out of the room and made a ran for the control/ server room. Eleven used the keycard to open the door. Once it was opened, Nine used her mind control on them.

"Sleep" he said. The people inside there faints and collapses to the ground. "Four now!" Eleven said while shifting back to his original form. Four then sets the whole place in fire so the place could malfunction and open the locks on the rooms of her other siblings.

"System alert, server room has been destroyed"
"System alert, locks opened"

"We meet the others at the portal room, lets go" Eleven said while Four and Nine followed him.

Number One's POV

"System alert, server room has been destroyed"
"System alert, locks opened"

The lock on the door opened so I wasted no time getting out. I went to Three's room and grabbed his hand and made a run for the forbidden room, Seven's room.

We got in easy since the locks are already opened. We saw her strapped to the pole. Three took initiative and destroyed it freeing Seven. He also destroyed the helmet and her shock collar then he destroyed my shock collar.

Seven was out. This part will get pretty bloody.
"Seven! Can you kill those scientists while I get the others?!" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm going with you" Three said. We separated from Seven while we get the others.

Seven's POV (reader's pov)

I separated from them and made my way to the laboratory and saw panicking scientists, this is it, I can finally hurt them for all the things they have done to us. I don't even know my parents or any of my family because of them. But for now, its pay back baby.

I got there and they all looked in horror at me. My eyes and hands glowed, then their heads exploded in a matter of seconds. Then I saw Number One with Five, Six, Eight, and Twelve.

"Where's Two, Three, and Ten?" I asked One.
"Three's getting Ten at the second floor. Two already escaped. We have to go to the portal room. Now" One said. I nodded going with them but I saw Two's Shadow. The rest of the group went to the portal room while I followed the Shadow.

I got into the corner and saw Two waiting.
"What are you doing here? Lets catch up to them" I told him. "Seven, Three and Ten are still in there! The guards and soldiers are coming to kill them! My Shadow heard everything after they heard the broadcast. We can't just leave them!" Two said.

"Ok then, tell me their plan" I asked him.
"There's going to be 20 soldiers guarding the entrance of the laboratory while 30 will go inside it and to our rooms, like what Eight had foreseen. You explode their bodies and get in and look for Three and Ten then you go out with them then I'll distract the soldiers after you and you kill them." Two explained.
"Ok then lets do it, Er'e n sih rehtego" I said.
"Er'e n sih rehtego" (We're in this together).

(Play the song now)

Then I went back at the entrance of the laboratory. "1097 how's the situation outside? Over" I heard the walkytalky. Then I teleported infront of them and made one of them explode.
"Sir! Sir! There here-" I cut him off and the others by making their whole body explode.

I went inside and teleported up the stairs. I saw Three dead. I checked his pulse, he was really dead. Red tears comes out of my eyes and travels to my cheeks. "Ya ruo luo evi revero" (May your soul live forever) I said closing his eyes.

No no no no no

But this was no time to break down, I walked further and also saw Ten dead. "Ya ruo luo evi revero" (May your soul live forever) I also did the same and closed his eyes.

Not yet not yet, I still have them. I still have to protect the others. Hide your feelings Seven.

I saw the soldiers running out of the laboratory, it's time for Two's Shadow to lead them to a dead end. After all of them was gone, I teleported to them. They all turned around.

"ITS NUMBER SEVEN! GET OUT-" I made their whole entire body explode. I felt sad, angry, rage, and happiness when I killed them.
"Seven lets go!" Two suddenly appeared and grabbed my hand and we started to run to the portal room.

"The others are already waiting by the portal, let's hurry up" he added. By this time One had activated it, all we need to do is get in it together. We were getting closer and closer to the room.

"NOW!" Me and Two heard. Then a series of bright gunshots pointed outside the portal room.

No, this can't be...

The next thing I saw was a hand gripping into a pair of glasses.

Number One

Then a pair of wings thrown across the room.

Number Six

Ice and Fire released at the soldiers firing. It killed atleast 10 of them. But after that we heard two girls screaming in pain.

Number Four and Number Five.

One by one my siblings died.

"NO!" Number two cried out. "We need to get away now! Their going to kill us next!" Two said. Two grabbed my hand again and ran the other way in into the room.

"Two.. what about the other?" I asked while red tears running down my cheeks. "It will be alright! We'll save them! We won't leave them in this hell hole!" Two insured me that everything will be alright.

We got into the room but they heard a gun shot. Two was shot by the left leg causing him to collapse to the ground and scream in pain.
"Number Two and Number Seven spotted! Don't kill Number Seven yet!" The guard said.

"NO TWO!" I tried to pull his hand to the portal."NO GET OUT OF HERE, YOUR OUR ONLY HOPE OF GETTING OUT FROM THIS  PLACE! SEVEN GO TO THE PORTAL NOW!" Two looked at me with tears coming down his Brown eyes.

"JUST GO OR THIS PLAN WAS FOR NOTHING!" Two pushed my hand away causing me stumble and get sucked in to the portal."Er'e n sih rehtego!" ( We're in this together!) Two said.

(The chorus hits hard at this part so try to time it)

Immediately a bullet pierced through Two's head killing him.

He was the last of my sibling. I failed! I failed! I was the strongest one! I should be the one to protect them not them protecting me!

"NOOO TWO!" I got sucked in the portal bringing her into another parallel universe.

My heart was torn into pieces seeing them die one by one in the hands of the soldiers. We just wanted a great and normal childhood and not trapped in this laboratory. Was that to much to ask for?!

Er'e n sih rehtego..

Number Seven | Attack On Titan x Powerful! Child readerWhere stories live. Discover now