✌︎𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹| 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲✌︎

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Trial day: (Y/N)'s POV

We headed to a big room with people inside of it. There was this guy on top and a pole in the middle. They cuffed my hands around it and made me kneel down. Erwin said they would handle the rest, I just have to agree with them. I think the commander of the scouting regiment will be the one to testify. Keith was it?

"Lets begin" the guy said. "Your Number Seven, a child found at the Underground district. Killed over 20 people including 11 Military Police. Using no weapons but with special abilities yet to be examined. Is that correct?"

"Yes" I answered. People around us whispered and looked at me in disgust and fear.

"Given the extraordinary circumstances, this deliberation will be held as a court martial. Hence, regular law will not apply, so to speak. I have full decision making authority on this matter, Which includes determining whether you should live or die" He said.

So there deciding if I'm worthy of living, after all of our sacrifices. "any objections?" He asked. "No" I said.

"Your astuteness is appreciated. It falls on me to decide which regiment should take charge of you. The Military Police Regiment. The Scout Regiment. Now lets hear what the Military Police Regiment proposes."

"Yes, sir. I, Nile Dawk, Commander of The Military Police, offer the following proposal. We believe that, after the abilities Number Seven has shown us, she should be disposed immediately. She would be a threat to humanity, who knows? Maybe she's a spy outside the wall." This Nile guy said.

Only the strongest and fastest bullet can kill me . I'll regenerate my brain within 100 microseconds, that's is what the scientist studying told me. Its impossible to kill me, except if I'm weak. "Next, let us hear the Scouts Regiment's idea"

"Yes, sir. I, Keith Shadis, 12th Commander of the Scout Regiment, offer the following proposal. We intend to accept Number Seven as an official member of the Scout Regiment and train her to her fullest potential to help humanity to explore the lands behind the walls. That is all" Keith said.

"What, thats all?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." Keith answered "With her help, we could discover more unexplored lands outside the walls." He added.

"I see, well then-"

"Wait! You can't just let that witch live! You've all heard that she killed 30 innocent people! What else can she do when she's free from her cell! I say we kill her!" A person said on the side where the Nile is.

"Yeah! kill her now!" Another one agreed. Then soon after more agreed to that man. What's going to happen next? Am I just going to stay here and do nothing? I looked over to Erwin. He looked at me and shaked his head side to side meaning 'no'. I looked to the commander, Keith.

He had the same look as Erwin, meaning I should stay quiet. How long am I going to wait.

One Military Police aimed a gun at the guy causing a scene. But that guy grabbed that gun and pointed it at me. They we're trying to talk him out. I was kinda enjoying the show he has put. Then he pulled the trigger.

The bullet went through my whole head. Blood splattered on the ground. I gave myself to heal and recover. People around me gasped and looked at fear. My head was looking down.

After I healed for about 5 seconds. I looked over to the man who shot me. He stumbled back with fear in his face. They we're all suprised on how I'm still alive after the bullet went through my head.

"Shoot me again and I'll make your body explode" I said in a Monotone voice. "Only a bullet as fast as the speed of light can kill me so even if try to kill me with your weapons I would just heal again. and again. and again" I looked at him. A dark aura surrounding me with my eyes looking like crazy.

"Take him out of the room" The guy or should I say judge said. Two Military Police grabbed both of his arm and hand cuffed him out of the room. People around me was still trying to comprehend on how I survived a bullet right through my head.

"Since thats over, My decision for Number Seven's fate. She will be put into custody by the Scout Regiment." He said. 'Thank god' I thought. "This is the end of the trial" he finished.

Finally I was released from my cuffs and we got out of the room. I saw Hanji waiting for me. "Kid! Is your head alright?! That bullet could have killed you!" They said. "I'm alright" I answered. We walked through a hallway and into a room where Levi and Erwin followed.

I sat down on the couch next to Hanji. They were examining my head if there were any trace of the bullet piercing through my head. "Not even a scar... how can you do all of this?" They asked.
"I don't know-"  "Wait, whats this?" They asked me.

There was a bump on my left arm. I don't know what it is but I have to remove it. I bit through my flesh. "Woah kid be careful- WHY'D YOU BITE YOURSELF?!". I got the thing out of my skin and Hanji opened her hand so I could spit it out from my mouth.

I spit it out and it landed on their hand. My arm was bleeding. "Tch, disgusting" Levi said. The small device looked like its a tracking device. But the color was red. "Whatever this is, its better out of your body." They said. They grabbed my arm and saw it was healing.

"Oh my... Amazing!! Its like your skin is stitching itself!" They looked amazed. So is Levi and Erwin.  "So quick question about how a bullet as fast as speed of light could kill you, how fast do you regenerate?" They asked.
"100 microseconds, that's what I heard from the scientists. " I answered.

"How about when you got shot? Did you feel it?" They asked again."No" I answered. "Ok you two, you can ask as many questions as you can Shitty Glasses when we go back to the HQ, the brat seems tired" Levi said."Seven right?" Erwin looked at me.I was about to say yes when Levi talked.

"Her name is (Y/N)" He said.
"(Y/N)? I thought she didn't have a name." Erwin asked. "I named her. It seems like she doesn't like to be called that way. The least we could do is make her comfortable" He answered. "Ok then (Y/N), Levi's the one to train and take care of you alright?" Erwin said.

"Hey um... thanks... You're actually the first humans not to hurt me." I said. "Aww come here" Hanji pulled me to a hug. I hugged back. As always, it was warm. It was like fire, it kept me from freezing."Hey Shitty Glasses! Don't touch the brat, she's filthy."

Hanji practically fangirled over on how cute I was even I'm covered in blood. Wait I'm cute?

After that, Levi puts on a cape on me. We went outside of the building. I looked up, it was bright. "Is this the sky?" I pointed up."Yes, now get on the horse." Levi said.

He puts me on the horse. He gets on too. He was behind me. The horse started to move.

I hope all humans are like this..

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