✌︎(𝗬/𝗡) 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲| 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿✌︎

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Seven's POV (reader's pov)

I woke up lying on the bed in a prison cell like room. I looked at my hands. I was chained. Then I looked over to my feet, I was also chained. Danmit! I thought.

"You're finally awake" I heard a man's voice. I looked outside the prison cell to see a tall man with blonde hair and funny eyebrows sitting and a short man with black raven hair leaning against the wall.

The hell they want? I have to cooperate for now.

"What's your name?" The blond man asked.
I didn't answer."I'll go first then, my name is Erwin Smith" Erwin said.

"I've got no name" I said. "Ok then, what about that symbol on your hand, can you explain it" He said. I looked at my hand. Oh right, number seven is my name. "I think Number Seven is a name, they call me that." I answered.

"Why Number Seven?" He asked again. "Its easier for them to address us" I said. "Ok, how old are you?" He asked. "I don't know" I answered. "Where did your abilities came from?" He asked me, again.

"I don't know, a Underground laboratory where they trapped me and my siblings to create a perfect weapon against another nation?" I shrugged. Its like they don't know theres war right now, oh wait Im in another world.

"Where exactly is this Underground Laboratory?" "In another world and dimension." I answered. "Tch, you better not be lying brat" the short man said. "Or what? Your going to hurt me like everyone does? I knew it. Humans are all the same." I glared at him.

Ok, I had enough. I'm breaking out of here. I felt a wave of energy throughout my body. Then I snapped the chains on my hands easily.

"Kid, calm down. We're not here to hurt you. I apologize for Levi, he's always like that" The man said. "Then what do you want from me?" I asked. "Join us, help humanity defeat the titans." He said."Titans? Whats that?" I asked.

"They're brainless giants that eat people, now answer his question. Are you joining us or what?" The short man said. "What if I refuse?" I asked. "The Military Police will dissect you." The blonde man said.

"I guess I've got no choice but to join you then" I said. "You made the right choice but first you'll be put into the trial room. We'll do the rest in there kid." He said. They left. Hey, they were actually nice. Eh?! What am I thinking?

Humans are all the same. Their miserable creatures. They attack what they don't understand.Their all selfish bastards that want nothing but to win.Their also the reason why they are at war. Human cowardice breeds war.

Suddenly, a person with brunette hair and has a glasses grabbed the poles of the prison cell. They look crazy.

"Oh I'm sorry! Did I scare you little one?" They asked. "No not really" I said. "My name is Hanji Zoe. What's yours?" Hanji asked. "I've got no name, but people call me Number Seven" I answered."Number Seven huh? Isn't like that an experiment name?" They asked.

"I guess" I said. "Hey hey kid! For now I'll be in charge of you, like giving you food and letting you go to the bathroom! And I'll keep you company, you can tell me anything what you want!" They said. "I'm sorry Hanji, but have you ever heard the word 'trust issues'" I said. I can't just go and trust people easily.

"Oh that! I understand little one. I just wanted you to feel comfortable around since you'll be staying with us for god knows who!" They said. "Thank you... you're the first human to ever be nice to me.." I looked at her. Slowly remembering all of the scientists has done to us, to my siblings.

Making myself drop a tear. Well, my tears are in shade of red blood so it looks like my eyes are bleading but its the normal color of my tears
"Hey kid, your eyes are bleeding! Are you ok?!" They asked. "Its just my tears, it changed to red overtime" I looked at them and smiled.

"Awwww you look adorable! Come here I want a hug!" They said. First compliment from a human huh. I snapped the chains around my feet and made my way near the prison cell bars. I hugged them and they hugged me back.

This hug was different.. it was soft and warm. It was also gentle. I don't want to stop hugging them. I felt safe near them. "Hey kid you give the best hugs!" They said then pulled away from the hug. They gently pinched my cheeks and smiling at me.

I smiled back. Then I heard my stomach grumble. "Oh your hungry! Let me get soup and bread for you" They got up and walked away from the cell. I waited there until I heard the door open again. The footsteps got closer.

"Hanji?" I asked. It was dark so I couldn't see who was it. "Hanji? So you've met her" It was the guy again with black hair. Levi I think? "And who told you to get out of the chains?" He asked me. But I glared at him instead of answering. I heard the door open again, I hope its Hanji.

"Hey kid I got your food- Levi? What are you doing here?" Hanji asked him. Hanji walked over to me and kneeled down to my level. "Hanji, Don't get to close to her. We still don't know what the brat can do" He said. "Come on Levi she's just a kid. Here eat this" Hanji gave me this light brown thing.

"Is this bread?" I asked her. "Wait you never had bread?! What did you eat?" Hanji asked me.
"They injected a liquid in our body so we didn't have to eat or drink anything for a week." I said. "Poor thing! Go ahead try it!" Hanji said.

I took a bite from it. And.... IT WAS GOOD.
This is the first time I tried to eat any food in my whole entire life. I ate it so fast that i choked on it. "Slow down brat" Levi said while he gave me the water Hanji had. Wait do I drink this? Well lets find out.

I drank all of it. It tasted nothing. So water tastes nothing huh? "Here try soup next!" Hanji said giving me a bowl with a spoon inside.
"How do you use this?" I said picking up the spoon. "Oh that! Here let me-" "Squad leader Hanji, Erwin has called you." A girl said.

"Awwww, I'll get this over with. I'll be back kid!" They waved at me goodbye. I waved back. Its just the Levi guy and me. I looked again at the spoon trying to figure out how to use it.
"Hey brat give me that" he said.I gave the bowl back and he started to use the spoon. He basically used it to scoop a small part of the soup.

"Come here, I'll feed you" He said. I went close and he puts the spoon near my mouth. I looked at him confused. "Open your mouth and swallow it." He said. I did what he said. I opened my mouth and tasted the soup. It was creamy. He waited for me to swallow it.
I swallowed the soup.

"I want more!" I said.
He scooped and fed me again.

Levi's POV

I fed the brat again. Damnit she's cute I thought. Wait what the hell Levi, she murdered 20+ people. Well, I don't think that she knows what's she's doing is wrong. She finished the soup in a span of 5 minutes. This brat must be hungry. I gave her the water again and she drank it.

She's filthy. Her dress, hair, and face is covered in blood. She needs to take a bath. "Thank you" I heard her say. "Tch, now you know how to use a spoon, I can't always feed you." I told her.
"Mhhp, thank you Mr. Levi." She said."Remove the Mr, call me Levi"

"Ok Levi" she said. "Number Seven right?" I asked her. She nodded. Her bright face suddenly turned into an emotionless one. Did she get offended? "Do you want another name other than that?" I asked her.

"Another name?" She asked me. "What name do you want?" I asked her. "I don't know, I can't pick" she said. "How about... (Y/N)? Does that sound good to you?" I looked at her.
Her face suddenly lit up but she didn't smile.

"My name is (Y/N)?" She said. "Yes, from now on your (Y/N) ok? Forget the 'Number Seven'" I told her. She suddenly got close to me and hugged me.

She was cold, her body is as cold as a dead body. Was she cold? I hugged her back forgetting that she was dirty. She wasn't that bad after all, well she's just a kid. I wonder what happened to her. Who took away her childhood?

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