✌︎𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱| 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲✌︎

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Er'e n sih rehtego..

Seven's POV (Reader's Pov)

I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my head.
I looked around to see I'm in an alley. I looked up to see if it was this blue wide space called 'sky' but saw nothing but a roof like rock above me. Where am I now?


My siblings..

They might be all dead...

I remembered everything that happened at the laboratory that made me burst into tears. It was all the same image, running in an endless loop of despair. Seeing Number One's glasses, Number Six's beautiful brown and black wings, Number Three and Number Ten's head pierced by a bullet.

Two's lifeless body laying on the ground.

What did we do to deserve this all?!
Its all the humans fault! Its all their fault!
Their all the same! Humans hurt us! Am I even human? Why would they do this?!

Spikes of ice came out of my body, destroying buildings near it. I heard people talk, their going to hurt me again. But I won't let that happen, never again.

3 men walked over and saw me. They all looked in confusion and fear. They started to get closer and closer to me.

Bad choice.

I exploded their bodies leaving no trace of their flesh, the crystal clear ice was now covered with their blood. My white tattered dress was the shade of red. Rage running through my blood and throughout my body. I wanted to kill more. More.

I went to an open space, saw people walking. I wasted no time and made an ice spike pierce through a woman's body. They all screamed in horror seeing me killing the woman with a single sharp spike of ice.


I laughed crazily putting my hands on my cheeks and looking up. I made all of their bodies split into three parts. Heads, torsos, and legs got thrown into the ground and other places. Every person I saw I did the same. They all deserve this. THEY ALL DESERVE THIS!

After walking and killing more, I felt pain in my head and heart. It was like someone is poking me with small pins. The pain made me faint. Falling to the side, making thick ice surround me to protect myself, i hope it doesn't melt to fast. Then my world became black and even emptier.

Time skip

I woke up, still inside the ice but now people, 8 to be exact are surrounding me. They we're wearing a uniform like outfit. Brown jackets with a unicorn logo. They have this two rectangular box on the side of their hips while they we're all holding a sword like box cutter. What are they going to do with it? Kill me?

PFTT HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH! Like I would give them the chance to touch me.

I removed the ice startling them making their selfs move backwards. I got up and again, I made their head twist and then remove from their bodies. Their blood splattered on my hair and my white dress that was already covered in blood.

Humans got no chance to defeat me.

Levi's POV

"State your name and business" I usually say when someone knocks on the door. "Its Hanji! Erwin said we had to go to a meeting inside of Wall Sina! And it's urgent" Glasses opened the door."Tell Erwin I'll be there in a minute" I neatly arranged the stacks of paperwork.

"Sure thing! Ba-bye!" Then Glasses left.

I fixed my desk and got up to go to the meeting room. I opened the room to see Commander Keith, Erwin, Hanji, and a few more squad leaders.

"Levi take a sit." Erwin said. "Whats this meeting in Wall Sina?" I asked. "The letter indicated that they needed their help with something as worse as a titan. Erwin will be incharge and you will all be leaving in an hour" Keith looked at everyone. "Get your things ready." He said.

Time skip : D

I have packed my things and we all got into the carriage. The ride was just Shitty glasses asking more info about this thing to be stronger than a titan. Shortly we all arrived at the Military Police. We all got inside the meeting room. We saw Nile and other more of them sitting.

"Please take a sit" he gestured us.

"Thank you for coming here, the situation has gotten worse underground." Nile said.
"What situation? Underground?" Erwin asked.
"This child with long, (H/T), (H/C) hair was found Underground district and has abilities that is impossible for a human to do. That child killed over 20+ people including 8 of Military Police. We need your help capturing this demon." He said.

"Don't you think that child would be beneficial for the Survey Corps?" Erwin asked.
"That child killed 27 innocent people. Do you think she'll spare your life? For now we have to capture her and then will decide what happens to her" Nile said. "I agree, We'll go now so we can settle this once and for all." Erwin said.

Seven's POV (reader's Pov)

I sat on the ground near the headless bodies. I felt tired. Without the thing that gets injected into me, i feel 2x weak. I hope this goes away.

I looked to my left, its more of them. 3 of them had the same Unicorn symbol while the 7 of them has a green cape on with a symbol of wings. They traveled through the air faster so I had to run. I started to run straight then left then right, I was trying to lose them but they we're too fast.

Forget this.

I stopped and put my hands to the ground making a large ice came out. (Like todoroki's but make it smaller.) After that I ran again trying to get out of their sight.

Levi POV

'This brat!' I thought. We were stopped by this giant ice wall. "How did she do this?!" Glasses asked. "No time to ask, we have to follow her." Erwin said. Not long after we saw her again. She was wearing a white dress with trace of blood. Bandages on her arms and legs. Where the hell did this brat came from?

One of the Military Police suddenly had his right arm rip off his body. We saw him screaming in pain and he slowly fell to the ground. "Their not kidding. Whoever is this child, we have to get her out of here." Erwin said.

Seven's POV (Reader's pov)

What?! Their still behind me? I guess I have to hurt more of them. I made one of their arm rip off from their body and I saw them falling down. But the thing is, this people didn't stop. Ok, you want more death? I'll show you death.

I made the last 2 people's head rip off of their body making them also come falling down to the ground. Then I felt a liquid running down my lips. It was blood. My nose was bleeding. This is a bad sign that I might pass out any minute.

I looked behind me and I saw them getting closer and closer. They were faster than usual. Oh wait, I was the one slowing down. I felt a pain in my head causing me to grunt in pain. They got down to the ground and brought out their swords. I tried to use my ability as little as possible. Like only shooting a small range of ice.

Then I felt dizzy making me stumble but still be able to run. I feel like my body is shutting down. Why now?! Then I felt someone grab me and put me to the ground. I was to weak to use my abilities.

"Who are you? What's your name" I didn't clearly hear. I slowly closed my eyes and fainted.

Third Person POV

Seven fainted, at all of the times she fainted.

"Hey Erwin she fainted!" Hanji said. Hanji checked her if she was faking it, well she wasn't. "She won't be able to answer our questions if the brat is asleep" Levi said. "We'll take her to the prison chambers. Then We'll ask her questions when she wakes up" Erwin said. Erwin was the one putting Seven to the ground. He lifted the child and they got out of the Underground.

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