~ chapter one ~

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I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my school uniform.

Sometimes I hated everything about it. From the boring black patent-leather shoes, to the wide barren grey trousers, to the black and red blazer with the Dalton Academy school logo on it. It's just so boring.

I'd like to rip the whole uniform off of me and put on a pair of tight trousers, a polo shirt and a casual bowtie.

But of course, this is forbidden at my sometimes very conservative private school, as well as girls, extracurricular events and school trips.

At least they accept homosexuality. Other people often think we are a school full of gay boys, but there are actually just a few. Like me.

Annoyed as I was, I looked at my watch and realized that I had to leave my house immediately, otherwise I was going to be too late for class.

I quickly said goodbye to my mother and got into my car that I had been given for my last birthday. When I arrived at my school, I saw my best friends Jeff and Nick standing in front of the entrance.

We've been inseparable for many years and sometimes I can't even remember how we met.

Since the school bell should be ringing soon, I quickly parked my car in the huge parking lot in front of the school and then ran to them.

"Well, at last! We nearly thought you weren't coming," Jeff greeted me.

"Turn up the collar, I can see the hickey", I said smiling at Nick.

"Don't look at me like that, Blaine!" he replied embarrassed.

The two did not publicly admit that they were more than just friends. Not even to their best friend, who already knew it since it had begun! Because of the looks they gave each other, the hickeys and their flirty and teasing behavior towards each other, it wasn't much of a secret.

Sometimes it was annoying, and I felt like a third wheel, but what can you do against young love? Actually, I was pretty happy for them and sometimes a little bit jealous.

The school bell rang, and we walked through the big front door of the Dalton Academy. I had six classes today before a meeting with the Warblers.

The Warblers are a Glee Club, a school choir. Once a year there is a competition which consists of three rounds. Three weeks ago, we won the Sectionals – the first round and are now allowed to prove our skills again in the Regionals – the second round. These are in three weeks and I'm already nervous. Two out of three competitors are already settled. The last one will be decided this weekend.


The day went by pretty quickly. I was a model pupil and always very concentrated during classes.

Honestly, I had no choice. My father would ban the Glee Club and all other activities from my free time if I got bad grades. He's not that strict when it comes to school grades, but since I told him I'm gay, he doesn't allow me to make "further mistakes."

But my good grades don't really make me popular at school. I think a lot of people are a little bit jealous.

But is that a reason to throw me in the dumpsters behind the school or push me against the lockers every day?

I am even trying to be as invisible as possible every day, hoping that they won't notice me.

With they I mean the football players. They are the worst. Especially their quarterback Sebastian Smythe, who is unfortunately also the leader of the Warblers.

But I'm happy to call Jeff and Nick my friends, even though they usually only have eyes for each other.

When I arrived at the classroom, which is the traditional meeting point of the Warblers, most of them were already there.

I sat down on the armrest of the brown couch in the farthest corner next to Jeff and laid my brown leather bag on the ground.

The last members arrived, among with them was Sebastian Smythe, who started to talk immediately.

"So this weekend, the Sectionals of the last groups will take place at the McKinley Highschool. I think we should spy on our future competitors ".

I hated his voice, it reminded me of how ugly and stupid I was every day.

"Any disagreements?" he asked snooty, knowing that no one would dare to disagree. "Well, then we'll meet at 5 o'clock at McKinley High School on Saturday," were his last words before we started rehearsing.

I never sing the melody voice or, for god's sake, a solo, but I still enjoy rehearsing the choreography and the harmony voices. I think, I am simply not good enough for a better position.


When we were finally done, I grabbed my bag, said goodbye to Jeff and Nick, and then disappeared out of the room as fast as I could and finally ran to my car.

This was the only way I could escape being thrown in the dumpsters twice a week.

Unlocking my car, I took a deep breath and then tarted the engine. I decided that I was going to stop at the Lima Bean, my favorite café, and drink a mocha latte, my favorite kind. It was only a detour of five minutes and so I parked my car in front of the café.

I was only a few inches away from the entrance when suddenly two hands grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around.

I was looking into three big faces from the football team, whose name I didn't even remember.

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