~ chapter twenty one ~

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“You're late", Kurt groaned, as he climbed into the passenger's seat rolling his beautiful eyes.

"Sorry, I forgot the time. Want some coffee as an apology? I'll pay", I offered already driving towards the Lima Bean.

“Yes, I need caffeine!”, he sighed and put his head up against his seat.

“How was school?”, I asked.

“Exhausting. What about your day?”, he replied looking out of the window.

“Great, I talked to the principal. I think I’m gonna spend the next weeks studying, though”, I answered already annoyed by it, “Also  I met Nick and Sebastian”.

"Who's Nick?”, he said suddenly giving me more attention.

Is it jealousy I see in those eyes?

“A friend of mine", I replied and parked the car in front of the cafe.

"A grande non fat mocha and a medium drip, please”, I told the man behind the counter.

"That'll be 8,40$”, he replied.

“What kind of brain do you have to still know my coffee order?”, Kurt wondered, when the barista gave us our coffees.

I just smiled and looked around to find a free table.

“Look, there are Mercedes and Tina", Kurt exclaimed already approaching their table.

“Hey, you two lovebirds", Mercedes gretted us loud.

“Shut up, we're just friends", Kurt said rolling his eyes and sat down next to her.

I took the seat next to Tina. We laughed, talked about literally everything and drank a lot of coffee.

After my third one we decided to head home, because Burt would come home soon and it was Kurt's turn to cook tonight.

So we said goodbye to Mercedes and Tina and drove of the parking lot of the Lima Bean, which is about to turn into my safe place again.


The next day I talked to all my teachers about the missed tests.

The half of it decided, that it would be enough to make a presentation. But the topics were unbelievable, like alkaline hydrolysis in chemistry or literature in the second world war in history.

I created a deathly routine for the following weeks to be as good as possible: waking up at 5 AM, studying for the exam or presentation of the day, going to school, coming back “home", studying, eating dinner, going to sleep at 10 PM, even though Burt wanted to watch a football game on the TV.

I used the weekends to get back the hours of sleep I've missed during the week. Usually I slept twelve hours and basically studied the other twelve.

It wasn’t healthy at all, but I survived, even though I had to watch Kurt go out every weekend.

After three hard weeks I was done with catching up and began studying for the finals, which was a huge relief.

I passed nearly every test, except english, for which I literally wasn't prepared at all, because I have had straight A's for the entire year, and did great at the presentations, as well.


“You scared me!”, I gasped, as a hand slammed the book about Charlemagne shut, I was reading for the english exam.

“Good, because I'm actually Marley's ghost and I'm here to tell you to stop studying so hard", Kurt whispered spookily giving me a teasing smile, “Seriously, you studied enough for today. You are going to a party with me".

“I don't know, Kurt. I like everything, that stops me from reading about Charlemagne, but you know what happened the last time, we two went to a party together", I said hesitantly.

“When did you become such a loser?”, he tried to convince me, probably ignoring the last words I've been saying. I stayed silent about his comment and gave my whole attention to the book again.

“Please, Blaine", he begged pulling my shirt, “There are so many people and I don't want to arrive alone. I don't even know, who’s coming besides Mercedes, Tina and few other people of the Glee Club".

“What about Sam?”, I asked.

It sounded even more jealous than I wanted it to sound, but that's alright. He knows, how I feel about him.

“I don't know, if he's gonna be there, but I think so. We haven’t talked that much lately”, he admitted.

If I go with him and Sam is also there, it'll be a great opportunity to make him jealous.

If he's not there, I could have fun with people I barely know and get drunk.

“Alright", I finally said already taking my leather jacket and dragging Kurt out of the house.

We drove to a huge villa out of town. Really, it was the biggest house I've ever seen in real life, except skyscrapers.

“Wow, whose house is that?”, I asked completely overwhelmed.

“Noah Puckerman's. A womanizer with a great voice. He's in Glee Club, but he probably invited the whole school", he explained, “I usually avoid his parties, but I lost a bet with Mercedes".

“What bet?”, I wondered loudly, as we were approaching the big entrance, where several people were already dancing, drinking and screaming.

“Unimportant”, he answered and dragged me through the crowd into the house, till we found the group of people, I already knew from the last party.

A few people, probably the football players, were missing, though.

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