~ chapter ten ~

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“Well, it’s Sunday. I will head home tonight”, I mentioned as our lips parted.

“Shit, you’re right”, Kurt cursed, “What will you do? I mean your bruises aren’t healed completely and he will definitely notice something”.

“I don’t know. I mean I could actually wear a long-sleeve shirt for a week or so and hope, that he won’t notice”, I considered.

“Everything will be okay”, I added, as I noticed  the worried look in his beautiful eyes and stood up to put on some clothes.

Actually, I was pretty scared of my father, but I couldn’t think of a better solution.

I’m just gonna deal with it, as always.

Not until now I’ve realized that it already was 1 PM and my head still hurt due to the amount of alcohol I consumed last night.

As stupid as it sounded in my buzzed head, I felt different, maybe even stronger and more confident.

I didn’t just find a new friend, I also found a lover. A boy, who definitely cares about me and likes me back!

Not in a million times I would have thought I would be able to experience that kind of feeling before going to college.

Jeff always told me, that everybody will find someone at college, and that’s what I believed in. But it’s happening right now.

And moreover, I’ve been to a party, got to know some very friendly people and got drunk, very drunk.

Eventually I experienced these teenager things, everybody talks about.

And maybe I’m not as boring and uptight as I thought. Maybe my whole life isn’t just about straight A’s and being a formal student. Maybe I am more than that.


After I fixed my messy hair, which contained the hair gel of yesterday, we went downstairs into the kitchen to eat something.

I convinced Kurt to let me take over and so I conjured a stunning-looking grilled cheese and some fried eggs.

My skills are definitely suppressed by Kurt’s, but I was still proud of the product. And Kurt seemed to be quite impressed, too.

"Well, I didn't think that a mummy's darling, like you, can cook something at all", he commented my proud look, wherefore he received a strike in the side.

"Shut up, Kurtie", he smirked.

"You know, you're the only one, who can call me that without me getting mad about it", he said bold and grabbed me by my waist to give me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"You're such a cheesy idiot", I teased him kissing his lips lightly.

Finally he took the plate of food and began to eat. I joined him sitting on the dinner table, when Burt opened the front door.

"Hey kiddos!", he greeted us loudly, "How was your little party? Oh, and do you know something about Finn? He didn't come home last night".

"It was fun. We went home quite early, because I was tired from the competition, so I don't know, where Finn could be. Maybe he's at Puck's", Kurt lied knowing he probably stayed at Rachel's after the party.

Even though we didn't stay until after midnight, it was obvious that a spark leaped over and created a romantic crackling between them after the kiss.

Apparently they weren't the only couple, who found each due to that game.

Burt nodded and went upstairs.

"Should we tell him about us?", I asked Kurt, after I heard a door shutted.

"Probably not yet", he replied, "I'll tell him tomorrow or tonight, when you're gone".


As Kurt finished his lunch, we decided to watch a movie in the living room.

Of course, we chose a musical, La La Land. Shortly after Mia imagined their possible future together, Kurt poked my shoulder.

"It's already 5 PM. Maybe you should head home soon", he said cautiously.

"Yeah, I probably should", I replied already standing up to collect my things, which laid scattered on the bedroom floor.

My original happy mood changed into disappointment. Maybe fear.

"It's gonna be alright. And you're always welcome here", Kurt reassured seeming to read my mind once again.

I shrugged my shoulders with a forced smile and continued packing.

As I closed my sport bag, I took my jacket and opened the door to go downstairs.

"Are you okay?", Kurt asked worriedly.

"I will be", I answered shortly already approaching my car.

"I'll drive you home", he assumed.

"No, that's a bad idea. My dad could notice something. I'm gonna be fine", I tried not only to calm Kurt, but mostly myself.

I opened the door on the driver's side, when I felt a soft hand grabbing my wrist.

"Please call me tonight", Kurt begged still worried.

"I will, darling", I answered giving him a reassuring kiss on the lips and sat down to start the engine.

"I'll call you", I said as a goodbye and drove off the driveaway towards my home, which was a twenty minutes ride away.

As nearer I approached as more afraid I was.

But I'm just gonna lock myself into my room with a small supper and ignore my father.

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