~ chapter fourteen ~

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I ran after him.

“You can’t be serious!”, I shouted after him wiping away the tears running down my red cheeks.

“Maybe it was a bad idea in the first place. We’ve only known each other for one week. It would have never worked out”, he sobbed and got into his car, which was standing behind him, and drove off the small parking lot of the café, I used to love so much for giving me a happy and safe place in my life.

But now I just wanted to run away. Away from my problems, away from my issues, away from the deal with Sebastian, and especially away from Kurt.

So I did.

I sprinted to my car and jumped into the driver’s seat to start the engine as quickly as possible, and drove off the parking lot, just like Kurt, but the other direction.

Out of the district, out of town.

I didn’t know where to go or how long I’d be gone, but the non-stopping tears reminded me, that I’ve got nothing to come back to.

Nobody will notice or care anyways. Kurt hated me, my parents got enough problems with their marriage and will think I’m staying at a friend’s, Jeff and Nick had ignored me for days and there’s literally nobody else, who could start searching for me.

Apparently I am worthless and alone. So what am I even doing here? I could die and nobody would notice…or worry. Nothing or no one is holding me back.


I drove for two through little towns and beautiful landscapes, which I didn’t know, for two hours, without stopping for one single minute.

My brain couldn’t stop thinking and, thus, my eyes couldn’t stop crying. I’m just not good enough, I’ll never be, for anyone.

It got darker and darker and as I started yawning every few minutes, I decided to drive off the street and park my car in a small parking lot of an even smaller supermarket, and immediately fell asleep.


“He doesn’t look dead, man. I think he’s asleep”, a deep voice woke me up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw two pairs of eyes looking at me through the window of my car.

“See, he’s alive”, the same voice said to the other person standing next to him.

"Shit, I really wanted that car”, that person cursed with a higher but still rather deep voice.

“Who the hell are you?”, I asked really confused and opened the door.

“We could ask you the same question. What is a underaged boy doing in the parking lot of a vacant supermarket, also known as our current hideout from the police”, the man with the deep voice explained.

“So you’re criminals?”, I whispered under my breath already trying to close the door, but the other man pulled it open again.

“No, we’re just trying to survive”, he told me, “I’m Wes and that’s Oliver, and you?”.

“Blaine”, I answered short.

“And what are you doing here?”, he continued asking.

“Why should I tell you about me?”

“Because we can give you something to eat and a place to sleep”, he replied friendly.

“I ran away, because…my whole life’s a fucking mess and I don’t want live like that anymore”, I admitted and got out of my car.

“Follow us”, the other person said invitingly.

I hesitated. I’m sure these two were definitely not innocent and could kill me. But somehow the risk to die wasn’t that discouraging anymore.

We went to a small back door behind the building, I only saw the outlines of.

You could clearly see the traces of a housebreaking, which were probably caused by the two people, who were opening the door with a firm tug at that moment.

“You can take one of the mattresses in the storage”, Wes said and pointed to another door. The inside of the building was dark and dirty, and dust flew around the room, which was filled with empty shelves and aisles.

The windows were destroyed, and cold wind creeped through them.

Wes and Oliver sat down on one of the mattresses, which were already laying on the floor underneath the windows.

Finally, I slowly approached the door Wes pointed to, and managed to open it.

The room was way bigger than the other one and full of old cans, dusty clothes and packages of other food.

As I entered the room, I tripped over something that was laying on the floor in front of me. When I picked it up, I recognized, that it was a flashlight.

Fortunately, it worked, and I was able to see everything more detailed.

In the farthest corner I could see a few mattresses next to a huge bag.

I decided to investigate the bag, before heading back with the mattress, and pulled out a black leather jacket.

Without even thinking twice, I unbuttoned my grey vest, I was wearing, and put on the jacket. It was a little bit too big for my untrained chest, but the change felt so damn good.

I was tired of being the boring and friendly modal student with straight A’s. That personality was simply not good enough to keep the people I love, and it sucked forgiving everybody and being nice. That time is over. Screw this whole world!

I went back to Wes and Oliver and dropped the mattress next to the old entrance of the supermarket.

“Where’s your obedient vest, little boy?”, Oliver teased me and looked at me from head to toe.

“Shut the fuck up”, I snapped and gave him the finger.

“Somebody needed a change”, Wes commented.

I dropped down on the mattress and stared into the darkness for a few minutes, until I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up from a kick in my side by Wes.

“Get up, B. We’re going shopping”, he said.

“With which money?”, I asked confused.

“We found your wallet in your car”, Oliver explained. These motherfuckers.

“Alright”, I finally abounded and rolled my eyes to make a point.

Before we drove to another small supermarket in town, I checked my phone, which I had found in my car as well.

Of course, it was dead. But I didn't mind. I wanted to start a new life and old contacts would just distract me from that.

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