~ chapter twelve ~

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My alarm woke me up at 6 o’clock the next morning.

I nearly forgot, that it was Monday, because the weekend went by so quickly.

Actually I think it was the most exciting weekend in a long time.

So I stood up, put on my boring school uniform and gelled my curls down to not look like Medusa.

I was too scared to go downstairs and face my parents after what happened last night, and, therefore, I decided to stay in my room before I had to go.

I just laid down on my bed and read the show choir blogs.

There was an article about the win of the New Directions with very positive comments.

It seems like they surprised many people with their good performances and that “the Warblers should watch out and be more modern”.

I shook my head. The fact that we are wearing our blazers and only sing acapella is a tradition, it’s traditional not conservative.

A look at the clock reminded me that I had to go, so I grabbed my leather bag, sprinted downstairs and shouted a quick goodbye, before I drove towards the Dalton Academy. 


Already approaching my locker I noticed a tall boy walking next to me.

I winced, because it was Sebastian Smythe.

“Anderson, I haven’t seen you on Saturday. You remember the competition?”, he said sharply.

"Actually, I was there…backstage”, I whispered out of breath feeling like a completely loser again.

“How in hell would you get into the backstage area?”, he wondered harshly.

“I think, I have to go. My math class is about to begin”, I said trying to escape the truth.

But two strong hands pushed me against the locker, Sebastian drew himself up to his full height and put his hands next to my head, so that I couldn’t run away.

“So you wanna face the inside of the dumpster behind the school again, Anderson?”, he hissed, “Tell me, why you were backstage! Do you have friends in the other groups, or did you sneak yourself in?”.

“I know someone from the New Directions”, I winced.

“Oh, so little Blaine knows the competitors”, he said obviously thinking about something, “Let’s make a deal. The footballers and I will leave you alone, if you are gonna spy on the New Directions. Tell us the set list or the leader or anything, you can find out”.

My eyes widen.

“No, I cannot do that. It’s completely unfair and…”.

“And what? Do you want to get bullied or do we have a deal?”, he threatened.

I just looked at the ground and nodded in silence.

“Good, see you later, buddy”, he replied, patted me on the back and disappeared around the next corner.

Crap, I should have been stronger and more resistant. Why do I have to be such a misery?

The school bell interrupted my thoughts and reminded me, that I should hurry, otherwise I would get too late for math class.


Five hours and an angry outburst from Mr. Dixon about Sebastian’s “lazy and disrespectful” behaviour later, I finally got into my car.

Surprisingly my whole school day went by without any dumpster or bad comments of the football players, which made me a little bit happy until I thought of the reason for it, again.

Should I tell Kurt about it?

Before I could even turn my car key to drive off the school area, Sebastian opened the passenger side door and jumped into the seat.

“Where are we going?”, he asked enthusiastically.

“We?”, I wondered loudly.

“Yeah, maybe we could grab some coffee, or we can directly drive to your house”, he suggested.

I was confused.

“I don’t think, we’re gonna do anything together. Could you please exit my car, so I can finally head home?”, I submitted politely being proud to eventually stand up against him.

“You look tense, Anderson”, he replied completely ignoring my last sentence, “Maybe good sex will loosen you up”.

My eyes widened. What did he just say? “

You’re kidding, right?”, I shouted in shock.

“Not at all, babe”, he answered with a calm voice and put his hand on my inner thigh.

A cold shiver ran down my back and I jumped
out off the car to open the passenger side door.

“Please, just leave”, I begged hoping Sebastian couldn’t hear the fear in my voice.

“Alright”, he replied after staring me in the eyes uncomfortably long, and got out of the car, “Here’s my number, if you want to tell me some good news”.

He scribbled a few numbers on my arm and walked towards the football field leaving me alone.

In the evening I locked myself into my room again and tried to focus on an essay, which was due by tomorrow and I had actually intended to do it over the weekend, and also wrote a summary for the test on Thursday, while I kept ignoring Kurt’s calls and Sebastian’s insistent messages.

I felt bad about texting Sebastian some details about the New Directions earlier, like Finn being the unofficial leader and Rachel being his new girlfriend, which wasn’t public either.

And when I’m gonna answer Kurt’s call, he’ll tell me more information, I’m not able to keep away from Sebastian, because I’m a really bad liar.

So I decided to text him a quick Good-Night-message, as I went to bed.


I spend Tuesday and Wednesday pretty alone.

I still tried to ignore Kurt’s calls and escape Sebastian and his friends.

Although Jeff and Nick barely talked to me and isolated themselves from everyone, even their best friend, I was actually enjoying being at school.

It was an excuse to not talk to Kurt and to not face my parents.

My mother was still acting like nothing happened on Sunday night and my father fortunately didn’t notice my bruises, which I tried to cover with hoodies and even make-up.

Also it was a distraction from all the troubles, I tried to keep away by building up a wall around me and my confusing hatred feelings.

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