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“Jeff Sterling!”, our principal, who was standing on the stage, yelled into the microphone.

The blonde guy stood up from his plastic chair and approached the big stage, after receiving a small kiss on the cheek from Nick.

Arriving at the stage, Jeff got his certificate, moved his tassel, that hung from his mortarboard, from the right to the left and cheered loudly smiling wider than ever before.

“Blaine Anderson”, the principal spoke through the microphone and I jumped off my chair to go onto the stage.

Yes, it was our graduation day. I made it!

And now I am standing in front of hundred’s of people, among them Kurt, Burt and my mother, and received my certificate.

A lot happened in the last weeks, since my date with Kurt. We're officially together now, by the way. 

Also my mother has left my dad and bought a small, but cute apartment in Lima for the two of us.

Burt and Kurt helped us to move out of my childhood home. Well, Burt had been busy with holding back my drunk father, while we were packing our suitcases.

We decorated the apartment very nicely and it was just perfect.

I passed my final exams after studying for two weeks straight, in which I haven’t seen Kurt at all.

Nick, Jeff and I were inseparable again as well. We'd talked about everything and they made it up to me by taking me to the cinema and dinner.

My life couldn't be more perfect.

I don't know, what happened to Wes and Oliver, but they're probably in jail.

After the ceremony I quickly ran off the stage to look after Kurt, Burt and my mother.

“Hey, darling", my mother greeted me with a warm embrace.

“Hello to all of you", I replied kissing Kurt on the cheek.

“We have to go, if we don't want to be late for our reservation at Breadstix", Burt said putting his left arm around my shoulders to drag me out of that hell.

“One moment, I have to say goodbye to Jeff and Nick” I answered and ran towards the Goldblum's and the Duval's.

“Hello”, I greeted the group smiling.

“Hey, Blaine, it's nice seeing you after that long time", Mrs Duval said, while the other parents just nodded.

“It's nice to see y'all, as well", I answered.

“I'm gonna call you, when I have enough money to buy myself a phone", I turned to the brunette and blonde guys.

“Alright, we'll hear from each other", Jeff said happy.

“See ya", Nick replied and I headed out of the school to the big parking lot, where my mother was waiting at her car.

Apparently Burt and Kurt already drove to the restaurant, so we jumped into the car and hit the road.


When we had finished eating and had shared the bill, my mother and I headed back to our apartment with Kurt, while Burt drove to his home.

“Good night, you two", she said and shut her bedroom door closed.

“I like how your room turned out", Kurt admitted walking around and inspecting every little corner of it, while I was laying on my bed watching him.

“I like it as well", I replied and stood up to drag Kurt towards my bed, “But I like you, too, and we haven’t seen each other for way to long".

“You're kinky", he said tapping my nose with his index finger.

“And you are mean!”, I smirked kissing his beautiful lips softly.

He put his hand into my neck to pull me closer, so I laid on top of him.

We deepened the kiss even further and I opened my mouth slightly.

Because of me grabbing his waist more firmly, he moaned into my mouth.

I felt the vibration against my lips.

“Is this shirt new?”, I asked, as we parted one last time.

“Bought it for you", he said teasingly.

“Well, maybe I have to look at it more closely”, I joked and unbuttoned it to reveal his porcelain chest.

He grabbed my waist, turned me around and pressed his lips against mine pushing me into the soft pillows.

I spend the next several minutes reminding myself, how much I missed him.

How much I missed his touch, that makes me feel a shiver running down my spine everytime, his lips, that are perfectly matching with mine, his body, that warms me pressing it against mine, his ocean eyes, in which I could get lost in forever.

“I love you so much", I whispered him into his ear.

“I love you, too, Blaine", he answered pulling me even closer.

The Boy Who Saved Me | A Klaine Fanfiction (Glee)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ