~ chapter twenty four ~

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I stood in front of the mirror looking at my elegant outfit.

I went home this afternoon, just to get my collection of bowties and my only suit. It was yellow and I combined it with a matching bowtie and a black pullover underneath. My white shoes had black laces and matched my shirt perfectly.

I gelled my curly black hair down, so that no curl was showing, and picked up a black belt in the last minute.

Everything had to be perfect.

Hesitantly I knocked on Kurt's bedroom door.

“You ready?”, I yelled and twisted the door knob slowly.

Kurt stood in front if his own mirror in a beautiful cyan suit. He matched it with a purple shirt and a pin in the shape of a heart. His also cyan colored shoes complemented the whole outfit impeccably. 

“Yes”, he answered turning around and smiling over both of his red cheeks, “You look awesome".

“You too", I blushed holding out my left hand.

He took it and we both headed down the stairs smiling.

“Have fun!", Burt called after us, as we already approached Kurt's car.

The car ride passed by in silent, but I've never felt happier.


About twenty minutes later we arrived at the restaurant Breadstix and got out of the car.

“Hello, we have a reservation for Anderson", I greeted the waiter behind a little counter, as we opened the big glass door.

The song ‘Teenage Dream' was playing in the background.

“Good evening, follow me", he answered politely and showed us a little table in the farthest corner of the room, “Can I get you something to drink?”.

“One bottle of sparkling water, please", Kurt answered searching for my eyes for confirmation.

I nodded silently and took the seat on the other side of the table, took off the jacket of my suit and hung it over the backrest of my chair.

“Wow, this is beautiful", Kurt said astonished looking around.

I took one of the two menus, the waiter just brought us, and scanned over it. Kurt did the same.

“What are you about to order?”, I asked Kurt quietly after a few minutes.

“I think the Fettuccine Alfredo, and you?”, he admitted smilingly.

“The same", I laughed and closed the menu.

“You are right, it looks magical in here", I began a simple conversation and took one of the breadstix out of a glass, which was standing the middleof the desk.

“For that this place is called Breadstix, these are pretty bad", I commented the taste of what I've just eaten and Kurt laughed as an answer.

“Did you decide?", the waiter asked approaching our table.

“We'll have two of the Fettuccine Alfredo", I answered and he turned away, after he put down the bottle of water in the middle of the desk.

“So can I pay for you tonight?”, I asked Kurt with a smirk in my smile.

“Okay, let's break it down to you", he began hesitantly, “The last time we tried dating, you've ignored me the whole time”.

“We've been through this!”, I exclaimed with worried eyes. I don't like, where this is going.

“Sebastian was threatening me. I couldn't think of any other solutions", I explained loudly, “Look me in the eyes, when I'm saying this. I'm being beyond serious! I will never ever “, I pause, “ever let Sebastian impact our relationship or even my life again”.

“I need you to sign one of those contracts. You can get one on Oprah’s website”, Kurt joked teasingly.

“I will sign whatever you want", I laughed, “Just please say you and I can be boyfriend again!”.

He smirked and moved his neck to the side.

“What?”, I exclaimed looking around, if anybody watched us, because that would have been pretty awkward.

“I don't know, if relationships actually work", he finally admitted, “I mean, weren’t Bethany and Jason supposed to be forever?”.

“For every Bethany and Jason, there’s a Will and a Jada and there is a Kurt and a Goldie", I disagreed with him.

“But I'm Goldie, of course", he smirked.

“Of course, you are", I laughed and rested my head on my hand.

“Okay, I can't believe, we're doing this again", he said smiling and put his open hand on the table.

I softly wandered over his palm with my fingers, before our fingers crossed and we smiled at each other.

The background music changed into ‘Got to get you into my life’ by the Beatles and we both sang along quietly, until the waiter came back with the creamy pasta dish, we both ordered.

“Buon Appetito", he said and left us alone once again.


The evening went by way to quickly, even though I enjoyed every single second with this boy. The boy, who I know I love and I am going to tell him one day. The boy, who saved me twice. And I had the feeling, that this is the boy, I'm going to spend a whole lot of time with as long as possible.

We talked about everything I could think of, and also shared a piece of chocolate cake as dessert.

It felt like we had arrived two minutes ago, while I paid the bill and as we headed out of the door.

"You really didn't need to pay for me", Kurt said, as we went towards the car in the big parking lot holding hands.

“But I wanted to", I replied looking at him with my puppy eyes.

As Kurt wanted to let go of my hand to open the door of the passenger’s side, I pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He put his right hand on my cheek and his left arm around my shoulders.

“That's very cheesy", he laughed and leaned forward slightly.

I broke the last space between us and pressed my lips against his.

It felt like fireworks were exploding around us and I didn't want to stop ever again.

This time no one's going to feel guilty about it, this time we were both enjoying it without any pressure.

It was just him and I. And that's enough for both of us.

The Boy Who Saved Me | A Klaine Fanfiction (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now