~ chapter seven ~

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Kurt still had to tell me the way to it and after about ten minutes my car was perfectly parked in the driveaway and we hurried to Rachel's house.

"Have you ever drunk alcohol?" Kurt asked gently on our way.

I had once drunk a few gulps of my brother's beer, but I've never really been completely buzzed. Also I've never been to a party in general. I had never been one of the popular guys, who go out every weekend.

"Burt said we shouldn't drink", I replied feeling boring immediately.

Kurt laughed and slightly clapped me on the shoulder.

“He doesn’t care about what he doesn't know. So, have you?", he went on.

"No, not really. Honestly it's my first party", I said as we stood in the driveway of a big modern house.

"Well then, let’s have fun", Kurt exclaimed and opened the front door.

"Hey folks “, we were greeted by Rachel, who approached us with a glass of red wine in her hand, "We cracked my parents ‘alcohol cupboard for the liqueurs. Puck brought beer and wine. Get yourself what you want!“.

I took off my jacket, threw it on a chair next to the door and took a closer look at the inside of the house.

We seemed to be the last ones to arrive and the party was already in full swing.

In the farthest side of the room a few unfamiliar faces were dancing to the loud music.

Santana and Brittany were already making out in a corner of the living room and the group I already was familiar with was sitting on the floor in front of a big window and looked to be playing a drinking game.

"Here, I’ve got you a bottle of beer”, I heard Kurt’s voice behind me, right before he gave me a small brown bottle, whereas he had a glass of white wine in his hand.

„Thanks “, I murmured taking a sip. The recognizable taste reminded me of our old family dinners, when my brother was still living at home.

Our family had started to crumble after he moved to Los Angeles to get famous, I never heard from him since.


We accompanied Mercedes, Tina and the rest of the people sitting on the ground and joined the drinking game.

"We are playing 'Never Have I Ever'. Someone tells something that he has never done before and those who have drink “, Mercedes explained.

She seemed very nice and I realized how chummy she and Kurt were.

They had so many insider jokes and if Kurt wasn’t gay, I would have thought they would be a couple of sorts.

"But we do it with shots to make it funnier“, Tina added pointing to several bottles of pink liquid and giving me a small glass.

"I’ve never kissed a boy “, Artie began. Tina, Rachel, Kurt and I drank.

I paid attention to Kurt’s facial expression and wondered who he would have kissed.

My first kiss was with Jeff because he wanted to find out if boys' lips felt different than girls' lips. Then it turned out that he was gay.

Nick still thinks I made him gay, which is complete nonsense, of course.

"I’ve never worn a suit “, Rachel said, and all the boys took a shot. Now it was my turn.

"Hm, I’ve never… “, I was really trying to come up with something and something certainly classic came to mind.

"I’ve never sung a solo", I remembered.

Everyone looked at me with big confusion and took a shot.

"You’ve never?“, Rachel asked with wide eyes, "I wouldn’t survive without applause“.

I laughed in response and we moved on.

Funnily enough, I had to drink after most of the questions, which affected my mood noticeably.

I became much more comfortable with the whole situation and spoke louder and more confidently.

But I wasn’t the only one who acted like that. After a while, more and more people joined the game, I got to know Finn and Puck, and everyone was roaring drunk.


Eventually we couldn’t think of more questions and the game got boring.

"Let’s turn the bottle “, Rachel yelled putting one of the empty bottles in the middle of our little circle.

"To explain the game to our newbie", she went on, while pointing the finger at me, which I tried slap out of my face, but didn't hit because of how dizzy I was.

„Everyone turns the bottle and whoever it points on, you have to kiss “, she continued already turning the bottle.

It was getting slower and slower and eventually stopped indicating at Finn.

„Finn Hudson, I’m gonna rock your world! “she sniggered as her lips hit his.

The simple kiss ended in a French kiss and Puck had to pull the two apart so we could keep on playing.

Kissing their friends on the mouth didn’t seem to bother anyone, which probably was due to their alcohol level.

Mercedes had to kiss Kurt, Santana Puck and Brittany Quinn.

After a while it was my turn and my heart started to throb.

I didn’t really know anyone here, but my alcohol level quickly made me forget about that and I turned the bottle as fast as I could.

For a brief second of time I thought it would keep on turning forever, but then it started to slow down.

Suddenly it stopped and I gradually looked into the blue eyes of the person sitting in front of the end of the bottle.

It was Kurt sitting directly across from me. I saw the same expression in him, that I felt – fear.

But there’s no way to get out of it, so I bent over the bottle to meet him in the middle.

I swallowed hard and moved more closely to his mouth. The moment our lips touched, I felt a shudder running down my whole body and the intention to want more.

As he stayed in his position, as well, I put my hand on his shoulder and he faintly opened his mouth to let my tongue play with his.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer.

This kiss was different from the ones happening because of this game.

At least it felt more serious and I didn’t want to stop.

The Boy Who Saved Me | A Klaine Fanfiction (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now