~ chapter eighteen ~

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“Who's the lucky one?”, I asked clenching my jaw.

“It's Sam. Do you remember the blonde guy, who sang the lead at Sectionals?”, he answered softly trying to reassure me.

But I just heated up and tightened the grip in my hand even more.

My eyes started watering. I was right. He is happier without me.

“This was a bad idea. I should go", I said and took my bag to head out of the door, but Kurt jumped between the door and me, before I could grab the door knob.

Now he was standing just a few inches away from me and I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

It was hard to not kiss and press him against the door, but I knew it would be the worst thing I could do right now.

We both stayed in this position and looked at each other’s eyes for way to long.

“Your eye looks bad, Blaine", he broke the silence after a few minutes of staring, “Can I take care of it?”.

I nodded and sat down on his soft bed.

“It was your dad, wasn't it?”, he went on.

“Yeah, he wasn't happy to see me", I answered biting on my under lip.

He went to his bedside drawer and pulled out the same healing ointment, he used a few weeks before for my back, and started spreading it on the skin of my right eye.

A shiver ran down my spine, as his soft fingers touched my skin. I couldn't stop getting lost into those ocean eyes and staring at his porcelain skin.

I hate myself for feeling this way, but there was nothing to do against it.

“You know, this is not acceptable. You should go to the police station or maybe just talk to my dad. He'll probably know, what to do”, he said calm, “But you have to do something!”.

“No, it's okay. I won't see him ever again”, I answered cold.

“What do you mean?”, he asked confused.

My heart wants him to know everything. It wants to tell him, what happened in the last weeks, but my brain doesn't.

My brain wants to head out of that stupid door and never look back. It wants to finish high school without even thinking about love.

And then there’s me, standing in between. What the hell should I do?

Cursing both of them, I stand up and walk around the room looking at the ground.

I’m glad Kurt can't hear the fight, even though it feels like the two organs are screaming at me in disagreement.

Kurt seems to read my mind and approached me.

“You can tell me everything, you know that, don't you?”, he tried to reassure me.

How can he be so calm and nervous at the same time?

I looked up to face him again.

That's when my brain stopped working and I broke down on the floor, sobbing into the arms, who were wrapped around me immediately.

I never realized, that a simple embrace could make you feel something again. It's a better way then cutting yourself though.

And I told him everything. I told him about the afternoon we broke up and drove two hours into the nowhere. I told him about Wes and Oliver and about the supermarket. I told him about my bad habits and my little flirt with Wes. I told him about my change to get along better than before. I told him about the police  And I told him about earlier this night, when my father punched me and threw me out of the house.

Kurt didn't stop holding me the whole time. He clenched his jaws, while I was telling him about Wes, and he let out an annoyed sigh about the fact, that they were criminals.

He didn't judge or interrupt me one time, but stay silent until the last word left my mouth and the last tear left my eye, which he wiped away carefully.

“Wow, how did you stay so strong?”, he commented, as I was finished.

The first smile of the day escaped my lips, which caused him to smile back at me.

“We should go to sleep. Do you mind sleeping in one bed again?”, he asked.

I just shook my head as an answer and slid under the blankets without changing clothes.

It was an exhausting day and I just wanted to sleep. But I couldn't close my eyes, until Kurt finished his night routine and wrapped his arms around me, once again.

His warm body pressing against mine comforted me so much, that I fell asleep without any worries and thoughts for the first time in ages.


The next morning I woke up feeling the guilt and regret, that was coming from my brain, laughing at me, while I was still laying in a boy's bed, who I really liked, but who is currently dating another person.

Also I opened my heart to this particular boy, even though he probably doesn't care about me and my problems. Nobody does.

My body heated up and I pushed his arms and the blanket away from me.

A loud “Ugh" from Kurt commented the fact, that I just woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

I stood up from his bed and went to  my sport bag, where I pulled out a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt.

As I finished changing in the bathroom, I put on my leather jacket and took my bag to head out of the front door leaving a sleeping Kurt behind me.

But when I opened the front door, a grumpy voice interrupted me.

“You're leaving without saying goodbye?”, Burt, who was standing in the living room with a cup of coffee in his right hand, greeted me.

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