~ chapter sixteen ~

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Not only smoking, cutting and drinking became a bad habit of mine in the following weeks.

Also the cute skater boy with his shoulder-length black hair, called Wes, made my head spin.

He taught me how to skate, as Oliver played the supervisor sitting on the curb and reading a book he probably stole, while he had been roaming around the old little town.

I was happy with my new self. Giving a fuck about reputation and true feelings makes your life definitely easier.


“Hey, what about school?”, Wes asked one day as we were making out once more, “Aren’t you a senior judging by your age?”.

“I am. But I have no chance to finish it anyways. I missed too much”, I answered.

“Maybe you should try it. Summer break is in a few months and you told me, that you’ve only got straight A’s”, he assumed, “You are smart. You shouldn’t throw your life away at such a young age, Blaine. And if you still want to, you can come back in a few weeks after graduation”.

I hesitated.

Wes got a point. It would probably be a good idea to finish school, but I was scared of going back.

What would my parents say? My father will beat me up, that's for sure.

But also, Kurt doesn’t have to know. He goes to another school anyways and I can handle Sebastian with my new attitude.

“Well, maybe your right”, I finally replied, “But I’m not ready yet. Maybe someday”.


“Blaine!”, I was woken up by Oliver’s voice a few days later.

I slowly tried to open my eyes. It was dark outside, but I noticed colored lights somewhere close by.

"What’s going on?”, I asked tired and in confusion.

“Hurry!”, Oliver screamed and grabbed my wrist to drag me to Wes.

“Did you barricade the door?”, he asked Wes worried.

“Yes, I did”, he replied and pointed to a few shelves in front of the back door.

“Now Blaine, come with me!”, Wes commanded pulling towards the storage.

“Wes, what the hell is going on?”, I asked, as I was trying to keep up with him. Instead of an answer he pushed me behind the mattresses, which were still standing against the wall in the farthest corner of the room.

“We don’t have much time.”, he started, “Somehow the police located our position. They’re in front of the back door and are waiting for us to come outside. But there are good news, too! They don’t know about you, they are only expecting Oliver and me. So, please stay here until sunrise and then, go back home. I’m sure your mother is worried about you”.

“But…”, I tried to begin, but Wes interrupted me with a kiss on the lips.

“I love you, Blaine”, he said as a goodbye and disappeared behind the door into the darkness.

I sat down trying to reassure myself.

They are going to be alright. It’s okay.

But it didn’t work. I had to press my hand in front of my mouth to make sure I wasn’t breathing too loud.

But Wes was right, again. I should go back home, back to my mother to finish school.

I sat there in cold crying, until I fell asleep for a few hours.

As I woke up, the sun was already in the west.

I got out of my hiting spot and grabbed a few things on my way to my car.

As quickly as possible I started the engine and drove off the parking lot, letting the place I had found myself, behind me.

Two and a half hours later I stood in front of the front door of my childhood home.

Hesitantly I opened it with my key, which I luckily hadn’t lost, and walked in.

As I closed the door quietly, my mother walked out of the kitchen and spotted me.

“Blaine!”, she shouted, while I was greeted with a huge hug and kisses.

“Hey Mom, I’m sorry”, I whispered into her hair.

“I thought that you ran away like your brother and I’d never see you again”, she sobbed.

“I just needed time…”, I began, but the face of my father in the door frame interrupted me.

“Well, would you look at that! My little faggot of a son”, he called out, “Where have you been?”.

“Just out of town”, I whispered releasing my mother from her loving embrace.

“Pam, go into the kitchen”, he ordered.

When my mother disappeared around the corner, he turned to me.

“What did you think? Running away will relieve you from your father?”, he carried on and I took a step back.

I didn’t know, what’s going on in his mind and it freaked me out.

Usually I could always read his thoughts, but this time I wasn’t able to think of anything.

He straightened up, moved closer and looked down at me in a threatening way.

I felt so small and helpless. I felt like my old me. No, I wanted to stand up for myself and break free.

“Maybe you should think about that, father”, I exclaimed.

Slap. A cold hand hit my cheek. I held my tears and the instinct to hold my cheek back.

“You can’t punch the gayness out of me!”, I yelled directly into his face.

But before I could escape, he grabbed my wrist and punched me straight into the face.

This time I had to bite my lower lip to stop screaming in pain.

“You are ill. I didn’t raise a misfit!”, he screamed, and it was the perfect time to break free from his barrier.

The Boy Who Saved Me | A Klaine Fanfiction (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now