~ chapter five ~

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Waking up to the smell of bacon and egg the next morning, I noticed that Kurt wasn’t within my sight.

Confused I looked around the room and stopped at the clock over the bedroom door.

It was already noon! How did I manage sleeping for so long?

I hastily tried to straighten my curls, that were protruding to all sides, in the mirror and then ran downstairs trough the living room into the kitchen, where Burt and Kurt had their conversation yesterday.

There I spotted Kurt standing in the tightest grey jeans, I’ve ever seen, combined with a red shirt, in which he looked very attractive.

Promptly I regretted standing in front of him in large pajamas and with tousled hair.

"Good morning", I grumbled rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Morning, B. Are you hungry? I made some breakfast", he replied pointing at the pan with fried bacon and scrambled eggs in front of him.

"Well yes, I am very hungry”, I answered hearing my stomach rumbling.

“But I need a few things from home. I cannot go to that party in your joggers”, I laughed,

“My father will be at work till three o'clock and I should have disappeared by then".

"All right, I'll drive you right away, but at first, eat!”, Kurt demanded whilst putting a perfectly prepared plate of egg, toast and bacon in front of me.

A heavenly scent clogged my nose and my stomach began to grumble again.

"All right", I sighed taking the plate and the cutlery and sat down on one of the chairs around the dining table.

It tasted unbelievably good.

"Where did you learn how to cook so well?" I asked with a full mouth.

"My mother died a few years ago and my father is all thumbs when it comes to cooking. One of us had to take over so that we don't end up always eating junk food”, Kurt explained without averting his gaze from mine.

"I’m so sorry... that your mother died", I said under my breath.

I definitely didn’t want to cause an uncomfortable situation.

"You wanna go get your stuff?" he said obviously trying to change the topic.

I nodded and rashly changed into the sweater, the joggers and my shoes.

I decided to leave the whole ripped uniform at Kurt’, so that my father wouldn’t get behind the fact that I was actually beaten up and stayed rather at a stranger’s house than tell him.


Fifteen minutes later we got in to the small driveaway of my house.

I was shaking. What if my father is skipping work and is at home? But I do really need a few necessities.

"Stay here. I'll be right back", I told Kurt, opened the passenger door and rushed to the entrance of my small modern home.

I closed the door behind me as silent as possible, just to make sure, and looked around carefully.

Everything was dark and I assumed no was here. I paused for a second to take a breath, before running up the spiral staircase right into my room.

Once I was there, I grabbed a large black sports bag and began throwing things inside it. My charging cable, a book, some facial care products, a toothbrush, my hair gel and a pair of black sneakers.

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