Log Part 11

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Item Description: A toy rocket made out of an unknown polymer which can exceed speeds needed to escape the earth's gravity. It caught the interest of the Foundation and was tested.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ████/█████ Border
Current Status: Currently located in the thermosphere in Earth's Orbit.

Item Description: Bootleg VHS copy of Swedish movie "████ ██████ of █████████" (19██). All characters change gender and ethnicity randomly on each viewing.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ████████, Guam
Current Status: Site-19 break room. Currently in storage.
Notes: Bad acting, boring plot.

Item Description: A small █████ brand FM radio, estimated to be ██ years old. When powered and set to any frequency, the radio will play a random song popular among teenagers during the activator's pubescent years. This song will always involve romantic relations and is described as remarkably apposite to the activator's current relationship status in 95% of cases. When activated by somebody not in a romantic relationship, the radio will play an inexpertly recorded cover of Harry Nilsson single "One," sung dramatically off-key by an unidentified pubescent male accompanied by a series of atonal electric piano notes.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-1986
Location of Recovery: ███ ██ High School, ███████, Illinois
Current Status: Lost following testing by Researcher ████.

Item Description: A bag of ███-████ brand marshmallows. When a marshmallow is consumed by an individual, their head becomes engulfed in blue flames. Subjects always report a lack of noticeable change in spite of heat readings exceeding 100°C.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-2014
Location of Recovery: ███████, Scotland
Current Status: Remaining samples were placed in storage.

Item Description: A pair of ravens (Corvus corax) who will sing the folk song known as twa corbies on some but not all occasions when someone dies within an approximately one kilometre radius.
Date of Recovery: 06-27-1989
Location of Recovery: ████████, British Isles
Current Status: Held in a standard aviary.

Item Description: One pair of ███ brand headphones that can only be described as the opposite of what they are.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-20██
Location of Recovery: █████, Canada
Current Status: In storage at Site-██.
Notes: Don't think into it too much. - Dr. ███████

Item Description: A yellow brandless notebook. Every page contains multiple hand drawn rainbows. The words "KYLE, AGE SIX" are visible on the item's cover. All written text regarding said notebook will alter its colour in order to follow the pattern of the colours of the rainbows contained in the notebook. The drawings do not follow the pattern of real rainbows.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-██
Location of Recovery: Sussex, UK
Current Status: In storage at Site-98.

Item Description: An iron ball bearing (radius: 2cm) which completely lacks ferromagnetic properties, even in the presence of strong magnetic fields (tested up to 8 Tesla). It is the only known instance of an anipole, that is, a magnet with no poles (as opposed to hypothetical monopoles). Discovered while searching for low-background steel for use in radiation-sensitive experiments; it was noted for anomalously low levels of trace radioactive elements. Subsequent analysis revealed that it is composed entirely of pure iron.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-200█
Location of Recovery: ███████ Factory in Alaska, US.
Current Status: Held in Site-11 storage in radiation-shielding unit to preserve purity.

Item Description: A standard 'Monopoly' board game that, when played, will invariably incite an argument between the players that will ultimately lead to the cessation or annulment of their marriage, partnership, friendship or whatever other form their relationship took.
Date of Recovery: 07-03-2001
Location of Recovery: ██████ family yard sale, Illinois, US.
Current Status: Site-19 storage.

Item Description: Seven booster packs of the popular "Magic: The Gathering" trading card game. Opening of any of the packs will lead to an unidentified male voice saying "Ha! Nerd!" The voice appears to be located a distance away from the opener of the pack.
Date of Recovery: ██-13-20██
Location of Recovery: ████ & ██████ Comics
Current Status: Only five boosters remain. Currently stored in the Site 23 Storage Room.

Item Description: A 2 m. by 1 m. glass oblong that acts as a portable window to a parallel universe. Reverse side is an unidentified opaque material which has resisted all efforts to damage it thus far. Currently, the point of divergence between universes is unknown, but does not appear to have altered any aspect of Earth. Glass is functionally a mirror.
Date of Recovery: ██-03-19██
Location of Recovery: ████████, England
Current Status: Marked and used in Site-██ changing rooms Removed to storage following reinstitution of Protocol ANTI-AN105/76 "Containment First," on September 6, 2009.

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