Log Part 24

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Item Description: A piece of paper. Descriptions of the item will transform the texts medium into paper. Individuals witnessing the resulting effect from this item will feel a strong urge to support the item, usually by compliments.
Date of Recovery: 5/3/2017
Location of Recovery: Site-█s main entrance zone.
Current Status: In storage.
Notes: God, this data looks AMAZING. What kind of paper did you use? I love it!

Item Description: A Carl Thompson Rainbow Bass. When any song of the band Primus is played, a voice is heard saying "Primus Sucks!". This effect is present regardless of whether the song was played perfectly or incomplete.
Date of Recovery: 05/02/2006
Location of Recovery: A music store in ██████.
Current Status: In storage.
Notes: Primus Sucks!

Item Description: A large bathroom mirror. anyone who looks into the mirror has a strong urge to have a staring contest with their own reflection. This urge subsides once the individual blinks.
Date of Recovery: 09/09/2017
Location of Recovery: A pawn shop in ███████ Texas.
Current Status: In storage.
Notes: A cloth should be kept over the mirror to prevent the anomalous property.

Informazioni Sull'oggetto: Una ciotola di spaghetti che quando hanno visto modifiche tutte le informazioni digitate o scritto su di esso in Italiano mal formulata.
Giorno di ottenere tale oggetto: 03/01/2017
Piastra di recupero: ████, Americani Uniti Territory.
Corrente: mangiato.

Item Description: Thirteen Russian Matryoshka dolls that all mutually fit inside of each other.
Date of Recovery: 2/10/1923
Location of Recovery: ██ kilometers Northeast of Moscow, Russia.
Current Status: 2 shattered by reckless researcher (reprimanded. Remains show no anomalous properties), 11 on display in Site ██ Anomalous Items wing.

Item Description: A blue backpack. When this backpack comes into contact with a human, its weight increases by approx. 379.5 kilograms. After ten minutes of contact, the weight of the backpack will slowly increase. The backpack is currently 6002.18 kg.
Date of Recovery: 18/6/2017
Location of Recovery: A community elementary school in █████, Ohio.
Current Status: In process of being transported to Site-███.
Notes: By god, the recovery team still hasn't gotten it to the site. They've been hauling that thing from █████ to here for the past year now. Turns out automated contact still counts. — Junior Researcher ██

Item Description: I'm a rubber ducky! :3 I can squeak, talk, and float! :D <3
Date of Recovery: Who cares! Who wants to snuggle? ;)
Location: I was from... oh, God...
Current Status: ... Well, heh, looks like... w-was dad really like that?

... I need to go lie down...


Item Description: An audio file named Bells.mp3. It plays a random song played on bells each time it is opened. Upon listening to the audio clip in its entirety, the viewer will hear that exact song heard in the clip every time a bell rings within the area it is audible to the subject. This only affects the viewer, and lasts for an indefinite amount of time unless an amnesiac is administered or the subject is rendered deaf.
Date of Recovery: 4/3/2016
Location of Recovery: Recovered from a laptop in London, England
Current Status: Stored on a computer at Site-█.
Notes: Personnel who change their colleague's ringtones to the .mp3 file outside testing purposes will be reprimanded.

Item Description: A PNG file of a pair of human lungs that causes anyone who views anything related to it to forcibly breathe manually, sneeze and cough for █ hours. The effects may vary, but do not accumulate.
Date of Recovery: [REDACTED]
Location of Recovery: The computer of various citizens in ██████ city, Brazil.
Current Status: Stored on a computer as
Notes: Personnel who prank others with this will be seriously reprimanded.

Item Description: A soda can. Analysis indicates that the ratio of the circumference of its bases to the diameter of its bases (i.e., the value of pi) is roughly equal to 4.282983.
Date of Recovery: 2017-09-19
Location of Recovery: Nishinomiya, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
Current Status: In storage

Item Description: A VHS tape with a recording of the music video for "Once in a Lifetime" by the band Talking Heads. The segment with the repeated line "Same as it ever was" continues from timecode 1:57 for two hours of non-repeating footage, with David Byrne repeating the line and looking increasingly distraught as hands grip his head.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-1980
Location of Recovery: ████████, ████
Current Status: General media storage.
Notes: Crew who worked on the original filming were interviewed. They all agree that no extra footage of this segment was shot.

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