Chapter 3

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       "Mark!". I got shocked by his words. "Fine, I wanna marry you also but this shouldn't be the way you gonna propose, you know??". I replied shocked, unsatisfied and........ In fact, my feelings were indescribable, I got them all mixed together. I had imagined Mark proposing to me on a moony day, in one of the beautiful and colorful playgrounds on my street. God,that feeling! but My handsome Markus whose romantic side switches like that of a pregnant woman's mood just ruined that imaginary moment for me.
  "Ha!, I didn't realize that sweetheart". He replied as he held my cheeks in his arms, squeezing them and making me feel like a little bunny. " We can relive this moment again babe, very soon, I'm gonna surprise you love. I'm so happy right now Alice,like I've got tons of bubble in my belly. And I thought you would actually decline".
  " Decline?, why?, it's not like we are gonna date forever, we have to settle down at a point in time, I'm quite successful and you're also rich. It's a balanced equation babe, there's no reason to decline. I love you hun' and I wanna grow old and weak with you". I explained as I gave him a peck.
   " Me too babe but what about Lucy??". Mark's question sounded quite disturbing.
   " Hmm what about her?, she will be happy for me of course, oh babe please let's end this discussion now, you haven't made an official proposal yet". I said as I stood from the kitchen stool to get some juice in the fridge.
  "Me proposing to you is no big deal baby, the important one is me being hungry, give me some food babe, I skipped breakfast for a stakeout".
  "Stakeout??, you didn't tell me you quit your job to be on a special mission that needed stakeouts?". I replied as I served him a cup of an orange juice and one for myself.
" Oh did i say stakeout?, I meant to say workout. Why would I stakeout??, just give me food babe".
  "Okay fine, let me toast some bread, okay?".
  " Fine, that will do hun, you're the best". He answered giving me that smile that gets the butterflies in my stomach awake which starts giving me that obvious embarrassing blush on my cheeks.

                      * * * * * * * * * *
        Lucy's POV:
   " Guys! Guys!, check out Jason". One of the girls in my group pointed at the so called handsome, popular, and tall boy that infuriates me in our college passing through.
   "God!, he's so handsome". Another girl exclaimed.
  "Can't you guys just stop squealing and being a fool each time this jackass passes?, I wonder what's so great about him, you just won't let me relax in peace ". I shunned as I felt irritated at their reactions. " And the numskull would feel he is the biggest guy in college because of the attentions you're giving him. For real girls, try to keep cool instead of being a fool over some of these broke guys".
   "Seriously Lucy, what's so wrong in what we just did??, each time Jason or any other handsome guy passes, your reactions are just like this". Ariel replied, my closest pal. "If you ain't gonna squeal over this handsome creatures, I wonder who you're gonna fall head over heels for"
     Her last sentence got me so cracked up and I couldn't hold it in that I had to laugh out. "Who I'm gonna fall for?? Or you mean to say who I've fallen for?". I replied proudly.
   "OMG!! Lucy!, you've finally found the one?". Ariel replied excitedly and the other girls started teasing with different vulgar questions.
" Okay fine, I've fallen for someone". I answered. "he's handsome, masculine, tall and rich, he's got everything I want in a man".
"Oooooooh, tell us more! tell us more ". They all teased. "Is he in our college??".Fiona asked
"No". I answered. "He's out of that level girl, think big".
" I wonder who he is then". "So when are we meeting him Lucy?". Ariel asked.
"Meeting??, not anytime soon".
"Why??, is he out of town??".Fiona asked
"Yes, he had to get some work done". I lied trying to wrap up the topic I brought up without thinking so well about it. But the truth is the one I've fallen head over heels for is my sister's fiancé, Mark. He's yet to be mine. Only mine.

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