Chapter 8

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     I came back from work, hoping Lucy would open up to me about what was wrong with her. I had turned down Mark's outing so I could concentrate a little bit on Lucy, I believed something really bad has happened.
  This same situation hardly occur, it's been a while Lucy had drank so much like this. The last time she reeked of alcohol was 2years ago, it was mum and dad's death anniversary. By the way, the day isn't something I or Lucy would be excited to celebrate but it's the least we have to do to remember our parents. I had waited for Lucy to come to the burial site so as to pay our respect to them. I had waited till late evening but she didn't show up, so I left the site. Getting home, I could find Lucy on the couch, she was drunk and was mumbling things like "I wonder where the irresponsible man that gave birth to me is", I wasn't so sure if I heard that clearly or not but I'm sure she got drunk 'cause she couldn't forget the accident. I felt really bad for her that day.
   I just couldn't leave Lucy alone, what if she hurt herself, so I turned down Mark today. I dropped my bag on the table and left straight for her room, I tried opening but the door wouldn't. "Lucy Lucy, are you in there?". I asked, knocking the door very hard. "Please open the door, I bought some sweet stuffs on my way from work, you would love to try them". I said hoping that would lure her to open the door, she likes sweets and expensive stuffs.
"I don't want them, you can keep them". She replied sounding like she's been asked all day.
"Wait, you didn't go to school today?". I asked forgetting I have to make sure she comes out.
"Shut up and go to your room!". She yelled from her room.
"Oh Lucy, I'm sorry, please come out". After a lot of pleadings, she finally came out. Oh! Lucy is so stubborn but I'm stubborn and determined, I've got to win at last.
"What do you want, Alice?". She asked as she opened her room's door. Holy Christ! Lucy looked like an old hag, her hair was so rough and her mascara all over her face.
"What's wrong with you Lucy?". I asked forcing my way in. "Come sit beside me". I said. "Lucy what did you do to yourself??, is the situation that bad that you have to look this way??, tell me what went wrong or were you thinking of mum and dad??". I questioned worriedly.
"Please Alice, don't go there, ok?". She replied. I understood what she meant by that, she has always avoided the mum and dad's story after she was discharged from the hospital. I had stupidly blurted out the question unknowingly.
"Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to. So can you please tell me what went wrong huh?, I'm your sister ok? You can share stuffs with me, I have good ears to listen with. Remember when mum scolded........ ".
"Seriously Alice??, I'm gonna throw you out of this room if you keep messing with my memories". She cuts in. I had hoped this went well but I kept making the situation worse.
"I'm sorry again, I just want you to tell me what happened to you, I don't like you being this way". I replied.
"Oh what happened?. I guess you get to have so much fun whenever you see me this way right??. You can't just overlook things, you are always in other people's business one way or the other". She said trying to move away from my side but I held her back "Come on Lucy, why would you say that?". My eyes started getting teary but I held them back, they shouldn't drop not in this situation. "I'm your sister Lucy, why won't your business be mine, you think I'm having fun doing this?, but it's not true. I'm really concerned seeing  you this way and I don't want you to hurt yourself. Believe me". I replied.
"Okay fine, you wanna know what happened?. I got ditched ok?, I got ditched". She answered finally.
"Ditched?. Like your boyfriend broke up with you?". I replied.
"Aaaaargh, no". She replied annoyingly. I guess I didn't know what ditched meant.
"Explain Lucy, I don't wanna annoy you the more". I said.
"I like this guy a lot but he loves someone else, I was planning on confessing my feelings but he just turned them down before I could express myself". She revealed.
"Oh Lucy, I'm so sorry about that. But I can assure that you're still gonna meet a better guy than this guy you just spoke about, that's gonna love you without you begging for it. So please take your bath now and come eat, stop being sad about it". I advised as I left for my room to get dressed dinner. I felt so happy that I could eat with Lucy today, it's been weeks we ate together.

                      * * * * * * * * * * * *
       The next morning, the whole team started getting ready to leave for USA, this time they had to leave by ship because of the large amount of goods they had to carry.

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