Chapter 14

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"Where am i??". I was so confused, the whole place was foggy and I couldn't see anything.
   "Hey you!". An man dressed like the ancient times called, he had a long white hair and beard. He was dressed all white. I was scared, I felt like a corpse. I couldn't understand what was going on. "What are you doing here?". He asked as he moved closer to where I was standing.
"I also do not understand what's going on sir, I just met myself here". I explained
"Oooh, drowned by water. What a pity". He said, like he was examining me.
"Drowned, water?". I don't understand sir".
"Yes you can't my dear. You are in a spiritual realm, you got drowned by water today in the physical world. You are lucky to have pass through this passage the very day you got drowned. Some people come here after 6 months, a year and even more than." He explained
"Really, I'm in a spiritual realm?". I'm still confused upon listening to his explanation. "But how?".
"Oh wait!". He exclaimed. "What's that on your finger?". He pointed
"This??, that's my proposal ring, my fiancé gave this to me. Is there a problem?, sir".
"This is so strange. I wonder how this came to your finger, I guess that's why you came to a place like this".
"Is there something I don't know about??". I asked.
"There's a whole lot of things you don't know about, follow me". He said.
     I followed him to a place like a garden. I could see what was happening in the "physical world" like he said. It was indeed a beautiful place. I could see cars, buildings, people. The world is indeed a beautiful place.
"You really know so much about this place, sir". I said
"Of course, I'm it guardian". He replied "Do you know where your fiancé got this ring?".
"Not at all. It was a surprise, so I definitely won't know where he got it". I replied
"If I could remember well, this ring was meant for the great Queen Elizabeth who ruled over the spiritual world. It was given to her by King Andrew's mother before the king and queen got wedded. I could remember very well that I was in charge of the king's mother jewelry at that time". He narrated.
"How did it get to my hand then?". I was getting more confused. "Maybe we should go to the queen to ask". I suggested.
"The queen?". He laughed. "There's no more king and queen left in the spiritual world my dear, all that's left is me, its guardian".
"But why". I questioned.
"It was said that the ring given to the queen was the cause of the spiritual world ruin, the king's mother casted a spell on the ring which made the queen more powerful than her husband and other powerful men in the world at that time. The greed took over her mind, she killed the king when he refused to do according to her words and also the queen's mother too then she ruined the whole world. And when became lonely, she drowned herself and died". He explained.
"Wow, why did the king's mother give her a ring that would eventually kill her and her son?". I was getting interested in the story already.
"Well there's a saying my dear, that whatever goes around comes around, that was exactly what happened. She wanted to make the queen sick and die, so she can make her nephew the queen but in the end, she was given the wrong ring and ended up dying along with the king". He replied.
"That's so sad". I commented. "You're so lucky to have been saved from all these".
"Of course, I'm it guardian".

     It was the next morning already, I finally made love with my long time heartthrob. I couldn't believe my eyes, Mark was sleeping right next to me, his manly body resting on my chest. It was the best feeling ever!.
     "Good morning Mark". I greeted as he opened his eyes.
    "Oh my God!". He exclaimed like he wasn't expecting something to happen.
    "What happened Mark??". I asked
   "What did you to me Lucy, why are you naked, why am I naked, why are we sleeping on the same bed???". He asked.
  "Calm down Mark, nothing big happened, I can explain". I replied and before I could say another word, he cuts in.
  "Holy shit!, why do I feel so wet. This shouldn't be what I'm thinking it is. Oh God! What about Alice, what about Alice??". He kept whining like a baby.
"Mark Mark!!, shut the fuck up and stop being a baby ok??. We had sex, we had a fucking sex!, ok??". I replied, he was annoying me already.
"Sex??, but how?".
He was really annoying this time, why would he ask that??. Is this how he is?, I thought he was a smart cool one. This wasn't the reaction I wanted, I had dreamt of him kissing my forehead and telling me how much he loves me, But this???.
"Are you joking right now Mark??, you really don't remember how you removed my dress yesterday night and started caressing my body, you even kissed me first and we had a really long sweet sex. So stop this pretense". I explained.
  "What??, it was you and not Alice??. I'm so sorry Lucy. I'm really sorry". He apologized. I wasn't expecting this stupid apology of his, I didn't know Mark could be as stupid as this.
  "Why would you be sorry Mark?, you shouldn't be. I enjoyed it and same with you right?". I replied.
  "What, you enjoyed what?". I really need to go now Lucy please". He said as he left the room.
  "You can't just go like that Mark". I said as I followed him to the door. "Mark please, I love you and I know you do too. I know you wanna kiss me on my forehead and tell me how much you love me. I'm not wrong, I'm I?". This time I was scared he would leave this way, I thought he felt the same way, that's why we had sex right?.
  "What are you saying Lucy, you totally got the whole thing wrong. You are like my younger sister, Lucy. I'm your sister's fiancé, we can't work". He replied.
  "What about the whole thing that just happened?". I asked, I should I've been careful and known this would happen.
  "Lucy, I'm really sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to, believe me". He said got into his car and left.
   I was about going inside to call him so as to inform him what just happened, I'm sure he's gonna get an idea of what I should do about the whole thing and I noticed someone staring at me and it was Mr Stark standing opposite my house in front of his car. "How long has he been there, I hope he didn't get a hint of what happened". I said as I was restless.
   "Hey miss". He greeted.
"Hi, what are you doing here Stark". I asked.
"Oh come on Lucy, you can't just start questioning me outside here, at least invite me in". He said pretending to be so cool and all. I know of his type, so pathetic!.
"Okay fine, but you won't be staying long, I have many things on my mind right now. I have to visit with my sister at the hospital for some minutes and go to school too so don't bother questioning me with this morning". I said as I walked into my house.
"Your sister is in the hospital, why?". He asked. What a nosy guy.
"She had a small accident and is in coma now. So you can see I have a lot to do". I replied.
"Can I visit her too and take you to school after?". He asked. What a funny guy. "Are you trying to make yourself known as someone important now?". I thought.
"You're so funny Stark. Anyway, you can't take me to school but you can visit my sister. You've met with her right?, so it's no big deal. You're free to visit her. I'm fact I'll introduce to one of the nurses so you can visit her anytime you like". I answered.
"Oh Lucy that's too much, visiting her today is enough. I just wanna know how she is". He replied. "And Lucy, Is trusting your elder sis with a stranger like me not too much".
"Like a give a damn". I said I left for the bathroom. "The whole sweetness I had throughout the night can't just go like that. I'm sure he's gonna have a solution". I had thought to myself while bathing and then I cried a little.

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