Chapter 11

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      "I need to find time to carry out this plan". I said as I entered the house. I had lied to Ariel that Alice isn't feeling fine so I had to leave early. I'm sure she knew it was weird that I have to take care of Alice, I haven't done that before but anyhow I had to leave. Instead of spending the whole night balling and having fun with the girls, I'd rather use them well.
       "Isn't she back yet??". I asked myself as I looked around the house to see if Alice's back or not and thankfully she isn't. I made sure I cooked her favorite meal before she returns and as I finished cooking, she walked in. "Oh God Alice, you're just right in time. Please go and have your bath and come down for dinner, I have to be responsible for my sister this time ok?".
  I wouldn't be doing this if not that I have to, it's so stressful, annoying and weird.
"Have your seat". I said as I placed the pancakes and sausages on the table. "Hope work wasn't so stressful today, Alice?". I asked
"No it wasn't. Lucy I'm really surprised you're doing this 'cause you've never done this before". She replied.
"Yeah true, I would never do this if I don't have a purpose, ok?, so eat". I thought. "I just wanted to surprise you Alice, I know you've been working so hard to pay the house rent and my school fees, so I just thought I could make you dinner tonight as a part of my repayment to you, so eat". I explained convincingly.
"Awwn, you're such a cute and loving little sister. That's so sweet of you Lucy, thank you. I'm gonna eat well".
"Hmmmm so Alice how was yesterday night with Mark". I teased. And she started blushing all over, her cheeks went so red and I could tell right away it was more than erotic for her, in fact, it was more like a sweet fairytale story which I now regret asking and find so annoying.
"Oh please Lucy, don't get me talking about that. How about school, how was it?". She asked changing topic, which was great though, 'cause I didn't want her giving me all those sweet and nice time she had the night before. I might just stab her right there out of annoyance.
"It was fine. It went well". I replied. "Ummm Alice, it's the weekend tomorrow right?, shouldn't we just go out and have fun?". I asked.
"Nice, I love that idea. How about window shopping, you know I love that right?". She suggested. Such a stupid creature, how am I gonna make you unconscious in a mall. I might get arrested immediately. "This isn't about you bitch, it's about me so stop bringing stupid ideas". I thought.
"No no no, not that. How about ice fishing??, cool right??, please please". I whined.
"Okay done". She agreed.
    Oh thank God, it was really easy convincing her.

                       * * * * * * * * * * *
     I felt really excited that Lucy wants to hang out this weekend. I was happy that i started packing for the outing, i took dad's  fishing rod, line and reel. He used to be a fishing addict back then and now his equipments turns out to be very useful. I also packed some meat from the fridge to use as bait during fishing. I couldn't just wait for the next morning to come, i felt really glad that Lucy had asked me out for the weekend.
    "Alice Alice, wake up now. It's morning already". Lucy called out knocking my door loudly.
  "Oh God!". I said as I jumped out of bed. "I'll be out now Lucy!". I replied loudly.
     When I came down, Lucy had set everything, she must be really excited to go to the trip. "Ummm, Lucy, why don't we take dad's mini bus, it's been there for years and I'm sure it's still working nice". I suggested.
"Ok, fine. You can drive it right?". She replied.
"Of course". I replied.
We loaded everything to the bus and I drove the bus off to the fishing site.
"The ring looks good on you Alice, it's beautiful". She complimented as we drove on.
"Thanks darling". I replied. "My man has a classic and good taste. Of course it would look good on me". I replied proudly.

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