Chapter 12

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The atmosphere at the sea was so friendly, I could feel the fresh air, it smells so good. It's been a while I've been out like this, it felt so so nice, i wished I could hang out with Lucy like this every time but that's impossible, I gotta go to work and she has to go to school too, we are busy girls that has little free times to ourselves and it's been a while we used it well. We were always apart from each other.
  We both unpacked the luggages and set it out appropriately. Lucy was so happy for being on this trip and I hardly see her that way, being so excited about something. It's been ages I saw her looking so happy, friendly and the most surprising thing is that she even volunteered to do most of the works. She had said "no no Alice, that one is too heavy for you, I'll do it myself. In fact, go have your seat. I'm good at this and I'll do it, ok??". She kept insisting that she would do it herself that I had to leave her and go sit on the chair.
  We started fishing by noon. The lady-in-charge said she had done a research on fishing overnight that the fishes do come up to the surface when it's noon. We both set our fishing rod to the river, it's quite a deep one though, I wonder if we are gonna get any fish from it today. Minutes later Lucy's rod caught quite a big fish, thank God the wait is finally over. I was about to stand up to join her in preparing the fish but she made me sit back in the chair. Oh God, I was as tired as anything already, I was missing Mark too and I'm sure he's missing me too, he can't spend a day without me. He had made plans already so we can both go out together today but I canceled it so I can go with Lucy on this trip. I didn't want to make Lucy unhappy by leaving the place 'cause I was bored, she would probably not talk to me again till I die. So I sat back on the chair, set the rod in the river, I started praying for a fish to get caught by the rod so I can go meet Lucy under the tent but nothing came up, So annoying!. "Lucy nothing is coming up here, should I come and stay with you?". I said. I was so tired and the sun's setting already too, I wonder when Lucy plans on leaving the site. "No, keep trying Alice, I'm almost done preparing the fish". She replied. "Make it delicious then, I'm famished already". I added.
    The day was getting quite dark already and finally the happy cook brought the fish. It was a fish pepper soup with watermelon and juice. I could never ask for more at that moment, I was so famished that I wished the whole dish can just fill my mouth at once. "Wow Lucy, this looks so nice, you really did a thorough research for this whole thing, I mean, this is the best food to take while you're by the sea". I complimented.
"Well, you see I'm not so bad either. So eat Alice, you don't wanna miss this". She replied.
"Oh, I'd be crazy not to eat this Lucy". The food was so enticing that I had planned on cooking the same thing for Mark when I get back. "Have some also". I said.
"No no, this is all for you, I gotta catch some sweet sea creatures for myself too, ok?, you can sit under the tent now so you can enjoy my delicious dish". She replied.
"Wow, you really have a thing for fishing don't you?, anyway, have a nice time catching". I said as I left for the tent.
    And that was the only last moment I had in memory.

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