Chapter 6

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     "Okay Lucy, have your seat". Mark offered.
"Thanks Mark". Lucy replied.
"So what are you eating?". Mark asked
"I'm okay, just Chapman is enough". Lucy answered.
"Oh nice". He said as he waved to one of the waitress to come take their orders. "Two Chapman please". He said to the waitress.
"Okay sir, I'll bring your order right away sir". She replied.
"So Lucy, I'm glad we are really meeting at the perfect time, so how are you doing?".
"I'm fine and you, Mark?". She answered.
"I'm doing great too, I know we are meeting for the same reason, right?."
"Same reason?". Lucy asked, confused.                       "Yeah yeah, same reason". She answered putting on a false smile. "Has he noticed already, that I have feelings for him??, if he has noticed, then does he look so happy about it??, has he been feeling the same all this while?, oh! Poor Mark, I knew we had this connection, he just couldn't bring himself to admitting it. Just say it Mark, I'm in love with you too". Lucy thought in her head.
"Yes Lucy same reason, you came to ask me about Alice right, if we are getting married or not?".
"Uh, Alice?". She asked, disappointed. "So he's happy about Alice?, not me?, I knew the whole situation was too good to be true!". She thought angrily in her head.
"And happy to telling you that very soon we will get married, isn't that a good news Lucy!". Mark said.
"Uh?, it is". Lucy replied as she wasn't paying attention.
"So I want to give a surprising proposal and since you are a lady, I'm sure you will give all those brilliant ideas of where women loves being proposed to, now that you are here, I guess the heavens are giving me a chance to get married as soon as possible, so what do you think, you've got a lot ideas right??".
"Yeah, I will just text them to you". She replied, displeased. "I just got a slight headache, I think I should go".
"Oh fine fine, just take your Chapman before going. Mark said, concerned.
"No no, it's fine, my medications are at home, let me just go, ok??". She insisted.
"Okay fine, I'll just call a taxi then but let me go pay for the order, I'll be right back". He said. "Hi, I'm paying for the two Chapman I ordered". He said as he gave the waitress his card.
   Before He finished paying, Lucy had left the restaurant. "Oh, i thought I left her here". He said as he searched a little for her before going back to work.

                       * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Mark hasn't called since morning, it was unlike him except he had lots of work to do. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I decided to give him a call. "Babe, what's up with you, you didn't even give me a call today. Now I'm so angry with you". I teased.
"Oh no, my princess, I'm sorry. There were new clients today at work, so it was so hectic today, I'm sorry baby". He explained.
Ha!, it's so much fun when I tease Markus, such a cute man.
"Anyway, you will have to compensate me for getting angry with you". I teased continuously.
"That's no problem, how about some shopping at C$C, My dear?".
When I heard that, I was so surprised. "I was just teasing babe, you don't have to do that".
"No no babe, you deserve more of that but we will just have some fun at C&C, ok?. I will pick you up by 6". He said.
"As your lordship pleases". I replied and hung up. I started humming one of Whitney Huston love song. She's been my favorite since high school. I got addicted to her songs 'cause my mum would always play it every morning.

        Mark picked me up at work, we had a 30 minutes drive to C&C, and he took me to one of the dress shop to choose any of the dress I like that he would be back in a few, I wonder what he went to get behind me. I was so excited when I saw a velvet black gown I saw in a magazine few days ago. Damn, the best thing that could happen to a girl, is having a man that loves you and makes your dream come true and you loving him back the same way.

      Mark's POV:
"I need to get Alice a nice ring". I said as I hurried to the jewelry store in C&C to buy a ring. I decided to propose to her before the weekend.
  Alice can be choosy a times, she loves classy things, so I have to be careful while choosing.
   "Hello sir, is there anything you would like to purchase?". The shop assistant asked.
"I'd like to see the most beautiful ring you have here, it's for a proposal". I answered
"Ok sir, these are the ones left but we have more of the rings coming in 2days, they are coming from Italy and I'm sure you're gonna love them all".
  It was like she read my mind, I didn't like any of the rings, none of it suit Alice's taste, I'm sure she's gonna turn down my proposal if I were to propose with such ring. "Okay then, I'll be here in 2 days time". I replied as I took my leave.

          Alice's POV:
   "I've picked the dress I needed, but he's nowhere to be found. I wonder what he went to buy". I said as I took a sit by the assistant in the shop.
   "Ma'am, please are you paying for the dress or.....?".
    "Yeah yeah, sure, my fiancé went to get something at the other store, I don't know what he's getting but he will be here soon". I replied
    "Ok..... That's how they give excuses when they are about to steal something". I heard the assistant mutter that underneath her voice and I was so pissed already
    "Excuse you??, did you just call me a thief". I asked raising my voice, I could see the other customers staring at me and the assistant. "Please, where is your boss?, I need to get you reported, do you even know who I am?, I can pay your 6months salary, right here right now!". I said angrily. Why would I be regarded as a thief just because of a dress, damn, I was getting more furious already when a young man came in, he seem like a staff in the company. "Ma'am ma'am, please calm down". He pleaded calmly. I didn't have a choice but to stop getting angry as to avoid any disrespect from one of these assistants. I explained to him what happened and he pleaded with me not to get angry. "Ok thank you, I had left my card in my fiancé's car but I'd rather wait for him to come back, he would get angry if I pay cause it's his treat". I explained to the man.
   "That's no problem, you can have your seat, I'm Steve Richard, I'm a staff here, I hope you are not pissed anymore with the incident that just occurred, my apologies".
   "No no, not at all, it's okay now, she apologized already". I replied.
   We both talked for about ten minutes before Mark arrived.
    "Babe!, why are you late?". I asked feeling a little bit down already.
    "I'm sorry babe, I had to inquire about something". He explained. "Did you pick what you like".
      "Yes I did". I replied. And I told him about the incident that happened, he was about to get angry but I made him calm down that it has been settled already. And I introduced him to Steve. Then we left the mall for my house.
   "I'm sure Lucy isn't home yet, I better get myself in the kitchen before it's too late". I said as I hop out of his car.
  "Everything with you is Lucy, what about me??.. I'm hungry too". He replied jealously.
  "Yeah right, so come out of the car and let me get you something too".
  "Sure I will". He answered as he got out of the car. "Oh! Guess who visited me at work today".
   "Hmmm who?, your ex girlfriends". I teased again as I opened the front door.
  "Wow, see where your mind went. I shouldn't have asked you to guess. Anyway it was Lucy, she came by". He said as he followed me to the kitchen.
  "Lucy??...". I sounded surprised. "Why, have you two gotten that close?".
  "I was surprised too babe, but anyway  it's good right?, we will be getting married soon, you know". He reminded.
  "Getting married?, I see no engagement ring on my finger so how's the marriage gonna happen?".
  "Okay fine, I'm hungry get me some food". He whined as he changed the topic, thinking I didn't figure that out. I'm a smart ass you know.
      It's morning already, I could see his handsome face clearly as the sun shined on his face, the sun rays revealed the perfect color of his hair matching his skin complexion. God!, I'm so lucky he's mine. I stood up from the bed and went downstairs to drink water, then I realized Lucy didn't come home last night, where was she??

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