Chapter 7

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Mark had left already after making him breakfast, so I quickly had my bath to leave for work but I kept thinking about Lucy, she isn't back yet, I tried calling her number but she isn't picking up and I do not know any of her friends. I had decided to leave for work thinking I would visit the police station to make a complaint, and I was surprised and eased at the same time as she opened the door. Finally! No more uneasiness in my system.
"Lucy!, where have you been, I've been trying your number but you didn't pick up". I said worriedly as I approached her.
"Please don't come near me, I'm very tired right now ok??, don't worry about me and just go to work". She replied as she left for her room and as she was leaving I could smell the reek of alcohol from her body. She had drank all night, I guessed. I wonder what could have happened but right now Lucy isn't in the mood for questioning so I left for work. The questioning will happen some other day.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
"Gosh!, I'm late". Steven said as he ran out of bed. "Oh God, Why do I have to wake up late, today of all days! Dre's gonna kill me today". He said as he left for the bathroom.

At the airport:
"Isn't he here yet". Dre asked again getting more and more furious. "The plane is gonna take off in few minutes and he isn't here yet?".
"Yes sir and I called his line....". Felix replied.
"Yes yes did he pick up, what did he say?". Dre cuts in.
"He said he's on his way already"
"Oh! He better be on his way 'cause I'm gonna eat him raw". Dre said getting more and more angry. "Oh oh, my neck's aching, can you get me my drug, please. It's in my backpack". Dre asked as he sat down.
"Here sir". Tom said giving him his drug. "Please calm down, he's gonna be here in few minutes". Tom advised worriedly as he handed him a bottle of water.
"Oh he's here, finally". Felix announced.
"Thank God!, Please can we get on the plane, I'm tired of scolding this brat".
"I thought you were gonna eat him raw, Dre". Felix reminded in a low tone.
"Shut your trap and get going". Dre replied.

* * * * * * * * * *
Steven's POV:
Our team finally got to Italy. We landed at one of the small cities in Italy but popularly known for it professionalism in the jewelry business, Vicenza , I guess that's why C&C built a big branch here. It should have been C&C's head office but I wonder why it isn't.
I've been waiting for Dre to scold me but he hasn't, I do feel bad for stressing him a lot but I just can't control my carelessness. Dre informed that we are visiting the branch in the evening when we got to the hotel we accommodated but I kept feeling uneasy in my mind. Why isn't he scolding me??. I've been waiting for this since we got off the plane but he isn't. I do feel much better when he does than he keeping silence. It's weird of Dre to be silent, so so unlike him. I wanted to make a move to see him and apologize but Felix stopped me. "You shouldn't see him yet Steve, he might flare up. Do you even know Dre has diabetes?, I saw him took one of these diabetes drugs my granny do take, and we both know seeing him now is gonna make the situation worse so it's best you don't stress him now, he might get an attack".
What!. Diabetes, he is just 62, why so early. I had so much questions running through my head. Oh God!. Now I feel really bad hearing this news. So he has been sick all this while and I've been stressing him repeatedly. Dre has been like my father and only best friend since I was 20, and I haven't made him proud ever since!. I'm so stupid!

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