Letting off Steam S2 E2

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Like whenever there is any sort of tournament in Camelot, everyone was buzzing and jumping in their seats as they waited for the knights to come out.

And they did.

Everyone was in their feet and clapping for the knights as they rode in on their horses. Even from here, I could see William looking around anxiously.

I caught Gwen's eye and we have each other a smile before turning back to watch William. He managed to get his horse to stop in front of us but let's just say it wasn't elegantly.

"Knights of the realm, welcome to Camelot," father began his speech. "You have trained for this day for many years." I noticed William's horse neigh softly so he literally shushed it. "And now is the time to show that and put your skills to the test. Today you will fight for honour and glory. For this is the ultimate test of courage and it will be your measure as men." Williams's horse started to walk backwards and then forwards again, knocking slightly into the horse on his left. If anyone noticed, they paid no attention to it. "For only the most skilful, the most fearless among you, will emerge as a worthy champion." William was now trying to look as though he knew what he was doing by attempting to pet his horses mane.

After my father's last comment, everyone cheered loudly and waited for the tournament to officially begin.

"Now, go prepare for the first match. Sir William and Sir Theodore will be the first to compete," father announced.

All the knights trotted back to their tents before "William" and Theodore came back out and got into position.

The flag boy stood in the middle of the arena before waving a large red flag and commencing the match. Both of them went charging at each other.

About halfway from each other, they both lowered their lances and pointed them at their opponent. When they had reached each other, Arthur's lance went straight at Theodore's chest, knocking the knight to the ground.

Clearly he had impressed father as he had risen to his feet and started to applaud for Arthur, well, for William.

"He knows what he's doing," father muttered to me, making me nod in agreement until a worrying thought entered my head.

What if father tried to marry me off with him?? That could raise a problem.


For the rest of the day I watched Arthur win all of his matches and then William would go out and acknowledge the crowd with a smile and an enthusiastic wave. Each time, without fail, father would stand and applaud loudly for him and on my other side, Morgana looked impressed.

Later that evening, I returned to Gaius' with Merlin. But I noticed that the whole way back, Merlin looked worried, like he was keeping a secret or something.

I didn't need to wait long before I found out what he was so worried about, though.

When we entered Gaius', Gaius was standing by the table looking up at Merlin with a serious expression on his face.

"Is this about the leech tank?" Merlin asked innocently.

"How very perceptive of you, Merlin," Gaius replied sarcastically.

"I'll clean it tomorrow," Merlin assured him.

"Before or after you've scrubbed the floors and done the laundry?" Gaius asked.

I suddenly felt really bad for Merlin. As bad as it sounds, I'd never really put into much thought how hard Merlin actually works because it isn't just Arthur that Merlin has to do chores for, it's also Gaius.

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