Storyline/ What's Going On

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Morgan MCoy:

14 years old

Loves: sunsets, books, Ponyboy, and pretty much everything Ponyboy likes

Hates: Socs

Looks: long brown curly hair, freckles, and green eyes

As you can tell yes, Morgan is goin' to date Ponyboy

Vicky Anderson

17 years old

Loves: cars, friends, the DX, rumbles, and Steve

Hates: Socs (especially Randy), school, and Dallas

Looks: long black hair, green eyes, and nose piercing

As you can tell she is goin' to date Steve

Basically the rest of the characters are the same. Bob and Randy are still jerks and assholes but pretty much everything is going to be this same. Oh plus Johnny and Dally do NOT die. Everything that goes on between Vicky and Dally, he ends up in the hospital because of Vicky.

P.S most of the time Dallas sometimes does deserve his fights with Vicky. Plus he is an asshole to Vicky.

Warning: Randy and Vicky are not related. Yes they do have the same last name but are NOT related. She hates him so there is no way that they are.

Anyway, I hope you guys will like this story. I have good vibes about this one.

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