Chapter 20

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Two-bit's P.O.V

I knelt down at the body and flipped it over. Then I saw Morgan, I covered my mouth. I turn around and saw the guys here. Vicky turned around and threw up in a bush. I've never seen that much blood ever since Johnny got beat up that bad.

I wasn't ready to see it again. I picked her up and ran to the house. I kicked the door open and saw Pony tying his shoes while Johnny puts on his jacket. I told Pony to get off the couch and sat Morgan on it.

I couldn't believe this was happening. What happened? Why was Morgan alone? Why want she with Pony? Why was he here and not with her? Will she be ok? I hope she'll be ok. 

I was so confused with questions still running through my head. I wasn't pleased with someone doing this to my friend. I will kill the son of a bitch. Whoever did this, will die. I'll be the last thing they'll ever see.

I yelled at Pony to call the ambulance and Johnny to get a med-kit. In which they both did the thing I told them to do. Pony came back and turned back around when he saw Morgan's face. Then I see Johnny coming back with the med-kit.

I cleaned up all the dirt and blood from her face. I then lifted up her shirt and saw the biggest cut on her stomach. It looked like she needed stitches. I cleaned around the wound and heard sirens nearby.

I stood up and looked out the screen door. I see an ambulance outside the house and some guys came out. They pulled a stretcher out of that back and rushed inside. I opened the door for them and they walked in.

They saw Morgan and gently set them on the stretcher. "21-12 we got a young woman in critical condition. She's got a big gash on her stomach, probably needs stitching." One guy said. They ran out of the house with Morgan.

I followed them and before they closed the door one woman said, "You coming? Only one though." I nodded and got in. "Pony, Johnny wait for everyone else to get here and tell them to wait until I call." I told the boys.

They both nodded and I closed the door. We drove to the hospital and got Morgan inside. I ran with them until one doctor held me back. I watched until they took Morgan into a room. "I need to be with her...she's my friend." I said with tears in my eyes.

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